View Full Version : WWE Smackdown Results - September 07, 2007

09-08-2007, 09:03 AM
Cincinnati, OH

8:00 – SmackDown opens tonight with flashbacks of Rey Mysterio winning his shot at Unforgiven and then Khali attacking him.

MVP is sitting in the ring “When I’m in the ring it can only mean one thing. Big things are popping and little things are stopping.

I want to welcome you all to another exciting episode of ‘In the VIP Lounge’ I am your host.

I am the only man on the planet with three halves. I am Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP.

I am so amazing that tonight I am pulling double duty. I am not only the host but I’m also the guest. Because tonight’s guests are none other than the current Tag Team Champions, MVP and Matt Hardy”

Hardy’s music hit and he makes his way to the ring.

“Have a seat, make yourself comfortable. I want to welcome you back to the VIP lounge. I know you’re not used to being on the list, but it’s something you should get used to now that you’re rolling with me.

You should show me a lot more appreciation because I took you from a common blue-collar status to a champion, and you know why? It’s because, I’m better than you”

MVP then has them roll footage of MVP winning.


“That was incredible. That was quite impressive Montel, but I know everyone knows what went down in that match. But what everyone doesn’t know is what happened backstage.” Matt then has them roll the backstage footage of MVP wearing all 3 belts and saying how he did it all by himself.

Hardy approaches and yells at him and MVP says he did everything. MVP goes on to say it’s all him and he has vision.

Hardy decks him and takes his title.

“Wow, I actually look like Evander Holyfield there. You know, MVP maybe you should change your catch phrase from “Better than You” to “Better than Who?” It’s an honor to be ½ of the WWE tag team champions, but you know what I want. I want a 1 on 1 match for the U.S. Championship and I want it at Unforgiven.”

“I wish you had told me that a little earlier,” MVP gets a ref out and has the ring cleared out.

“Oh you want to do it right now?”

“No, no, Deuce and Domino wanted a title match and I agreed to it at Unforgiven.”

MVP then states that he got a match for Matt tonight against Deuce so Matt can get a victory and go into Unforgiven with a little momentum.

Deuce then makes his way out to the ring.


8:14 – Back from commercial break with the match already in progress.


Deuce gets Hardy in the corner and smooshes his face into the ropes. Deuce punches Hardy then whips him across the ropes.

Deuce takes Hardy down with a hard shoulder then goes for the cover. 2 count.

Hardy gets Deuce in the corner and slams his head repeatedly into the ringpost. Hardy takes Deuce down with a clothesline and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Hardy gets Deuce in a headlock but Deuce tosses him off and tries for a hip toss but Hardy blocks and slams Deuce down.

Hardy kicks Deuce in the head. Deuce slams Hardy down and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Deuce goes for another recover. 2 count.

Deuce works on Hardy’s neck. Hardy gets to his feet and punches Deuce. Hardy twists Deuce’s arm around but Deuce gets free by nailing Hardy with a hard elbow to the jaw.

Deuce gets Hardy to the mat and steps on his head. Deuce gets Hardy into a submission hold

Hardy struggles to get to his feet. Deuce gets Hardy in the corner and sits him on the top rope, punching him.

Deuce climbs the ropes and Hardy starts to punch Deuce then slams him to the mat. Hardy dives off the ropes and hits Deuce with an elbow then hits the side effect and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Hardy whips Deuce into the corner and then nails him with a hard clothesline.

Deuce takes down Hardy. Hardy gets to his feet by 7 and Deuce by 9.

MVP grabs Deuce’s leg and causes him to trip and Hardy grabs him and goes for the cover.


MVP gets in the ring and hands Hardy the belt and holds his arm up. Hardy pulls away and glares at him then celebrates not realizing MVP helped him.

MVP gets out of the ring and motions for Hardy to follow. Hardy stands on the steps and watches him go then makes his way out.

They then show a promo of Ashley and how she’s getting ready to leave for Survivor and how much she’ll miss all her conveniences.

Backstage Jamie is setting up a 100% leprechaun trap. He’s got a trail of Lucky Charms set up right to the Akme trap. He shows Shannon Moore how it’s going to work.

Moore laughs and says he’s got to see it to believe it. The pair then hide behind a wall and wait for Hornswaggle.

They then plug Rey Mysterio and show a flashback to July 25, 2002 and Rey Mysterio’s debut match against Chavo.


8:30 – Back form commercial with Kenny Dykstra and Victoria in the ring. Chuck Palumbo (STEALING THE COOL AMERICAN BADASS GIMMICK) rides his motorcycle out to the ring with Michelle McCool.


The bell ring and Chuck gets Kenny in the corner and the ref breaks them up.

Chuck takes Kenny into the center of the ring and slams him to the mat picks him up then slams him down again.

Kenny slams Chuck’s shoulder into the ringpost then works on his arm, kicking it repeatedly.

Kenny goes for the pin. 1 count.

Kenny continues to stomp on Chuck’s arm, then gets him in a submission hold, yanking the arm back.

Chuck gets to his feet and starts punching him. Chuck catches a jumping Kenny and slams him to the mat. Chuck starts punching Kenny and takes him down with a running shoulder.

Chuck gets Kenny in the corner and starts punching him.

Victoria goes to steal the bike and Michelle grabs her and pulls her off the bike and kicks her down.

Back in the ring and Chuck is stomping on Kenny then he lifts him up and slams him to the mat going for the cover.


They then flashback to Michelle kicking Victoria.

They show the invitation for Kristal and Teddy Long’s wedding. Backstage Vicki is saying how beautiful the invitations came out.

Teddy walks in and gets a kick and gives Kristal a gift. Teddy got her an advanced copy of the new Jagged Edge CD. He said that they gave him the copy when he asked them to perform at the wedding.

Kristal’s phone rings and it’s her “mother” she runs off to take the call.

Vicki looks at the CD and laughs and says that Teddy should give a copy of the CD to Vince as it’s called “Baby Making Project” the pair laugh.

The July 23, 2006 match at the Great American Bash where Chavo costs Rey his chance is shown.


8:42 – Back from commercial break with Khali making his way to the ring and yelling like an idiot.

Finlay then makes his way to the ring, Khali’s partner for tonight’s match.

Kane makes his way to the ring next and stares down Khali while Batista heads out.


Batista and Finlay start the match off. Batista stares at Khali and Finlay gets his attention.

The pair lock up and Batista wraps his arms around Finlay, Finlay reverses and Batista takes him right down.

Finlay gets up and gets Batista into the corner. The ref breaks them up. Finlay makes gestures at Kane.

The pair lock up again and Batista twists Finlay’s arm around and gets Finlay in the corner. Batista takes Finlay down to the mat and holds him in a submission hold.

Finlay gets to his feet but Batista keeps the hold. Batista gets Finlay down again and goes for the cover. 1 count.

Finlay gets to his feet and Batista leads him around the ring by his harm then gets Finlay in the corner. The ref finally breaks them up.

Batista starts punching Finlay then hitting him in the stomach with his shoulder.

Batista whips Finlay across the ring Finlay goes to use the ropes but Batista catches him and slams him to the mat.

Batista grabs Finlay and flips him into Khali.


8:55 – Back from commercial break with Batista beating on Finlay in the corner. Batista tags in Kane.

Kane starts beating on Finlay. Finlay kicks Kane.

Kane whips Finlay across the ring then picks him up and slams him down onto the ropes then slaps him, knocking him down going for the cover. 2 count.

Kane picks up Finlay and slams his head into the ringpost. Kane slams Finlay down and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Finlay gives Kane a lame kick in the head. The pair struggle and Finlay manages to tag in Khali.

Kane punches Khali several times. Kane goes to use the ropes and Finlay pulls them down to Kane falls right out of the ring and Finlay hits Kane with a DDT.

The ref starts the count out but Kane makes it back in. Khali slams Kane in the head and knocks him down.

Khali gets Kane in the corner and elbows him in the head. Khali then tags in Finlay.

Finlay starts kicking Kane then drags him to the center of the ring and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Finlay gets Kane in a headlock. Finlay takes Kane down and tags in Khali.

Khali kicks Kane in the head and takes him down hard. Khali then grabs Kane’s shoulder and squeezes.

Khali whips Kane into the ropes, Kane grabs Khali for a choke slam but Finlay gets in the ring. Kane shoves him away and goes for the choke slam but Khali gets free. Kane kicks Khali in the head.

Batista and Finlay are fighting outside the ring while Kane tried to make the tag.

Khali takes Kane down and steps on him for the cover. 2 count.

Khali tags in Finlay. Finlay starts punching Kane.

Kane fires back and gets out of the corner.

Finlay slams Kane’s shoulder into the ringpost then rolls Kane up for the cover. 2 count.

Batista runs into the ring and spears Finlay.

Kane and Batista double team Khali and knock him out of the ring and Kane hits Finlay with a chokeslam and goes for the cover.


Backstage Jamie Noble is insisting it’s gong to work. You see Hornswaggle eating the trail of Lucky charms then grabbing the box.

Noble pulls the rope but the rope breaks and the trap doesn’t go off. Noble sees that the championship belt was left behind and he goes to get it and Hornswaggle laughs and traps Noble in the box.


9:09 – Back from commercial break with a flashback to the October 8, 2006 Rey Mysterio match.

Jessie & Festus are walking backstage and they get all excited about the “talking box” backstage.

Hornswaggle then gets into the ring for his match. They then announce Jamie Noble who doesn’t show as he’s under the box.

They announce Jamie Noble again, and again no show. The ref decides to start the match and gives Jamie a 10 count to get into the ring.

At the last minute Jamie comes running out but just misses it.

WINNER – HORNSWAGGLE via count out.

Hornswaggle empties a bag of marbles into the ring and when Jamie runs into the ring to attack him Noble goes flying.

Hornswaggle dances his way backstage.


9:20 – Back from commercial break with a flashback from Monday Night Raw and the whole McMahan family storyline.

They come back to the Undertaker promo. I love the cool creepy kid.

The lights are out and there is the eerie purple glow and a druid is standing in the ring. Mark Henry makes his way out to the ring.

He hesitates then finally attacks the druid and the lights go out. When they come back on the druid is gone and Henry is only holding the cloak.

Undertaker’s gongs go off and the lights go purple.


9:29 – Flashback to one of my favorite matches the match where Chavo makes Rey quit.

Chavo makes his way to the ring with a steel chair.

“What I’m holding here is a piece of Rey Mysterio’s’ past. But I’m also holding a piece of Rey Mysterio’s future.

It was a steel chair just like this one Rey that I broke your knee and put you out for nearly a year and it was a steel chair just like this one that I smashed into your knee over and over and over again, and made you scream ‘I quit’ and I’m going to do that again tonight.

Listen to me, and listen to me very close. I’m going to smash your hopes and dreams of becoming the champion at Unforgiven. There will be no gold champion in your future, only cold hard steel.


9:39 – Back from commercial break with Rey Mysterio back.


Rey starts out by kicking Chavo then punching him. Chavo gets Rey in the corner and starts stomping on him. Chavo gets him in a headlock and yells that he should just yell I quit now.

Rey gets out of the ring and tries to walk it off. Chavo stands in the ring and taunts him.

Rey gets back in the ring and starts punching Chavo. Rey jumps over Chavo then jumps onto Chavo’s shoulders. Chavo drops him onto the ropes.

Rey jumps at Chavo and the pair go over the ropes to the floor.

Rey grabs the chair and goes after Chavo. Chavo gets his own chair and they keep hitting chair to chair.

Chavo goes head first into the announce table. Rey picks up the chair and slams Chavo in the back.

Rey hits Chavo in the gut with the chair then Rey uses the chair to dive onto Chavo. Rey picks up the chair and hits Chavo with it.

Rey stands on the announce table trying to choke Chavo with the chair. Chavo gets back in the ring and Rey follows.

Chavo takes Rey down then picks him up and slams him into the ringpost. Chavo starts working on Rey’s knee.

Chavo grabs the chair and slams Rey in the back.

Chavo sets up the chair and drags Rey to the chair. Rey reverses and hits a bulldog right into the steel chair. Chavo hits hard.

Rey takes Chavo down with a Russian leg sweep right into the steel chair then Rey hits the 619 into the steel chair and does the West Coast Pop onto the steel chair.


9:49 – Back from commercial break with Chavo working Rey over. Chavo sets up two steel chairs and goes to slam him down but Rey fights back and knocks Chavo back.

Rey sells his knee injury and Chavo is able to knock him out of the ring. Chavo gets out of the ring and goes after Rey with the chair, putting the chair around his neck and slams him into the ringpost.

Chavo gets Rey back in the ring and goes to slam him into the chair but Rey gets free and he takes down Chavo.

Rey gets up and kicks Chavo in the head. Chavo sits on the chair. Rey dives off the top rope onto Chavo.

Rey grabs the chair and hits Chavo in the back. Chavo takes Rey down onto the chair.

Chavo gets up and grabs the chair, Chavo slams the chair down on Rey’s knee then sits the chair on Rey’s stomach and climbs the top rope.

Rey gets up and runs forward and knocks Chavo down.

Rey starts punching Chavo and slams Chavo on the head with the steel chair. Chavo gets hung up on the ropes and Rey starts slamming Chavo’s knee with the chair unmercifully.

Chavo tries kicking him off and finally quits.


Khali’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. As Khali goes to get in Rey rushes him and tries to knock him down. He hits Khali like a bug on a windshield.

With one blow Khali takes him down. Khali stalks Rey (although to me it looks more like he’s doing the ‘ooga booga’ pose. Khali gets Rey In the vice grip.

Batista’s music hits and he runs to the ring and attacks Khali and Khali tosses him down like a rag doll.

Batista runs at him with the belt then spears him.

Batista checks on Rey. Rey reaches up like he’s going to take off the mask and they quickly flash backstage.

Teddy Long catches up to Khali and yells at him saying that’s not how things are done and Rey won’t be alone at Unforgiven. It’s now a Triple Threat match with Batista.


~ Funny WWE is pushing Ashley in Survivor China (Darn them for ruining my guilty little secret show) but I notice lately the commercials for Survivor DO NOT include Ashley…gee, is CBS trying to distance themselves?

~The crowd was very much behind Matt Hardy during his match. It does add to the fun of the match when the fans are really into it.

~I’m sorry but Khali IS NOT intimidating. He looks like an idiot when he stalks and the claw is just dumb.

credit: gerweck.net