View Full Version : Paris Hilton sues Hallmark over waitress card

09-09-2007, 06:59 PM
Socialite Paris Hilton has filed a lawsuit against Hallmark Cards, claiming it used her likeness without permission on a greeting card entitled "Paris's First Day as a Waitress."

Hilton, 26, is suing for an injunction against the US greeting card company and for damages in excess of $US100,000, according to the suit filed late on Thursday in US District Court in Los Angeles.

Kansas City-based Hallmark Cards said the card was part of a satirical series that parodied celebrities and politicians.

According to the lawsuit, Hilton's face is superimposed over a cartoon of a waitress serving food to a patron with the dialogue "Don't touch that, it's hot. What's hot? That's hot."

It says the card was selling in the United States for $US2.49.

The suit says that Hallmark failed to obtain approval from the hotel heiress for using her image and had damaged her rights to privacy and publicity.

"These cards take a satirical look at news and gossip surrounding ... public figures, including Paris Hilton, and we do not believe Hallmark has violated any of Ms. Hilton's rights," Hallmark said in a statement.

Hilton gained notoriety in 2003 when a home video of her having sex with her boyfriend was posted on the Internet. In June, she made international headlines when she was sent to jail on a driving violation, released early and then sent back to complete a 23-day sentence.
