View Full Version : WWE Unforgiven Match Announced, Ric Flair Update

09-10-2007, 11:37 AM
WWE UNFORGIVEN Match Announced

WWE.com has announced that Triple H will face Carlito at WWE UNFORGIVEN.

Ric Flair Update

Sent In By LOP Reader Timothy Foster

Thought i would pass this along to you. i was listening to a local sports talk radio show, "prime time w/the pacman" on 610 AM WFNZ in charlotte, nc today and ric flair made a surprise call. ric was taking jabs at one of the hosts for calling appalachian state's big win over michigan last week a "fluke" as well as pumping up everyone about this week's south carolina/georgia game. the show's host, mark packer, finally asked ric about the story of ric's quitting the WWE to see if it was true. ric replied, "no, it's not true. what would the WWE do w/out me?" and laughed it off. but ric did say that he is opening a new business in charlotte this coming monday. the name is "ric flair finance". might explain why he's been off WWE TV for this long. ric said he would explain more about the situation next week when he appears live on "primetime".

source: lordsofpain

I knew Flair Hadn't quit,and it looks like Carlito is gonna get jobbed at Unforgiven

09-10-2007, 05:23 PM
This has already been posted
