View Full Version : Many Reasons Why Ric Flair Quit WWE

Flair Country
09-14-2007, 12:30 AM
- WWE brought Ric Flair to Columbia, SC on 8/21 to do P.R., but was then told he wouldn't be needed for Smackdown, which he felt was a slap in the face.

- Flair had been bitter about doing the clean job on 7/2 in Dallas vs. Fit Finlay to an Indian deathlock.

- Previously, Flair was dissapointed that his scheduled match vs. Carlito Wrestlemania 23 match was scrapped.

- Flair was told he would be used more on Smackdown than he was on Raw. Flair felt being moved to Smackdown was a demotion from the "A" show.

- Following this year's Wrestlemania, Flair was told they would do a year-long program leading to his retirement match at Wrestlemania 24 in Orlando. Steve Austin laid out a plan of Flair losing a series of matches and then snapping, and saying "enough is enough." In the storyline, Flair would say he would retire if he lost one more match, setting up his final run.

- Being encouraged by his wife Tiffany, Flair is reportedly in the mindset that his career is over and is starting a new business venture.


09-14-2007, 01:25 AM
He sounds like a crybaby who didnt get his way.

Phenomenal One
09-14-2007, 01:38 AM
oh well, i wont miss him, one because i didnt really like him anyways and two i dont even watch smackdown

09-14-2007, 03:25 AM
I can see his point on the Carlito vs Flair match because they did set that up as a strong feud and came off well. But other then that he seems to have an ego that he is a top guy in WWE nowadays, which the fact is he ain't. Flair should just rteire and end it because he is just holding others back.

09-14-2007, 06:31 AM
Hasnt he said in other articles that he didnt quit?

09-14-2007, 05:50 PM
I'm not going to believe any of this stuff about Flair until I see him say it himself coming from. I still think this is one big rummer.