View Full Version : Details on Chris Benoit's Diary; Letters to Guerrero, More

Phenomenal One
09-14-2007, 10:52 PM
Channel 2 out of Atlanta has an article posted with exclusive details from entries in Chris Benoit's diary. Below are some notes:

- The photocopied first page of the diary is inscribed, 'To Christopher from Nancy,' with the date November 25, 2005.

- All the handwritten entries are addressed to Eddie Guerrero, a close wrestling friend of Benoit's, who died the same year of an enlarged heart.

- The entries also speak of Benoit's love and admiration for his wife, Nancy, and son, Daniel -- both of whom he killed in the weekend of June 22.

- He spoke of the exhaustion, drudgery and loneliness of the road, but did not describe abusing drugs.

- The diary was found in the trash outside Benoit's Fayetteville home shortly after the deaths.

- "He was upset, very upset, about Eddie's death. He says in a number of places how much he loved Eddie and what dear friends they were. He also says at one point that, 'I will be with you soon,' so it appears as though he was having some thoughts about his own mortality," said Carry Ichter, Benoit's father's attorney.

- "It's plain that he was depressed. It's plain that he was beginning to exhibit some of the signs of the dementia that's associated with the brain injuries he sustained because he talks in there about not being able to remember things," said Ichter. "Chris, at the end had become intensely paranoid, to the point that he would not take the same route to the airport on a consistent basis, to the point that he would not allow the family outside of the house."

source: sescoops.com

09-14-2007, 11:12 PM
I really would like to know when exactly is the 'I will be with you soon' thing addressed to Eddie was written, it would help clear up a few things like if he was planning this before like around Eddie's death.

09-15-2007, 12:15 PM
I don't think we will ever know what was truely running through Benoits mind when he did those terrible things.