View Full Version : WWE Smackdown Results - 14th Sept

09-15-2007, 10:21 AM
WWE Friday Night SmackDown – 14th September 2007
Report by James Thake (as always please send any comments and questions to slimjim316@gmail.com)

The News: Rey was kept off the show this week, leaving Batista to go one-on-one with Khali, where he was left lying from the claw OF DOOM.

What Happened:

Victoria vs Michelle McCool

Both ladies chain wrestle to start. Victoria's bridging headlock doesn't last long before Michelle can hit a cartwheel slap. Victoria sends McCool through the ropes and attacks her on the outside before rolling her back into the ring. Michelle reverses a sleeper which is again reversed by Victoria who hits a clothesline for a 2 count. The ladies trade chest chops. Michelle hits a clothesline and some dropkicks before hitting a belly-to-belly for 2. Kenny throws water in Michelle's face so he is attacked by Palumbo. The men fight into the ring and the show goes to break as Chuck clotheslines Kenny.

When we come back Kenny and Chuck are still fighting in the ring as the match has been made to a tag match by Teddy Long. Chuck hits a delayed vertical suplex on Kenny for 2. He hits a leg drop before and after attacking Kenny in the corner. Kenny gets a boot in Chuck's face and hits a chop block. He works Chuck's leg getting a 1 count before going back to the leg. Chuck kicks free and takes control. He sends Kenny off the ropes who ducks out of dodge and tags Victoria. Victoria jumps onto Chuck who carries her to his corner allowing Michelle to tag in and kind of backdrop Victoria for a 2 count broken up by Kenny. Chuck takes out Kenny as Michelle hits a big kick on Victoria for the 3 count.

Winners – Michelle McCool and Chuck Palumbo. McCool is still very sloppy. Interesting angle, but I just can't care for any of these.

Jesse and Festus are with Teddy Long. Farooq has put them in charge of the stag do. Festus has the face of a party animal. They bring in a lot of hot women. Other guests are Teddy's son and Sergeant Slaughter.

There is a REALLY fat druid in the ring who shockingly is Mark Henry in a robe. Henry says Undertaker's powers aint got nothing on his. He shows a video of him taking out 'Taker. He says his power isn't hocus pocus, but reality. Cue a gong and the latest "man who can't be destroyed" video, this time with the man himself. After the video, a lighting bolt strikes, leaving a flaming Undertaker symbol in the entrance way. Undertaker informs Henry that he'll rest in peace this Sunday.

The Diva Search casting video plays. Good idea to keep it to short clips and online stuff.

MVP and Matt Hardy are playing chess. MVP is taking a long time to move, and when he finally does, Hardy immediately puts him in check. MVP "sneezes" and knocks all the pieces over. Matt says it's OK, as he's got a match set up for MVP next as a warmup for their tag match on Sunday. Hardy says the crowd will chant for MVP and he does arm movements to match the letters.

Jamie Noble vs Shannon Moore

Noble checks under the ring before the match and the announcers try to make me care that Hornswoggle is Vince's son. Shannon gets a 1 count from a dropkick to Noble's arm. He starts to work the arm as a large part of the crowd chant "Jamie Noble" followed by an even larger part of the crowd chanting "sucks." Noble catches Shannon on the middle rope and hits an Electric Chair for a 2 count. Noble applies a butterfly lock which is reversed by Moore with a dropkick to Noble's face. Shannon hits an inverted atomic drop, a clothesline and a heel kick. Noble then tosses Shannon onto the apron before getting head scissored to the outside. Shannon hits a rolling splash off the top rope to the outside which gets a 2 count when he rolls Noble back in the ring. Noble hits a one arm backbreaker for a 2 count. Shannon pretends that Hornswoggle is coming from under the ring, distracting Noble so he can roll him up for the 3.

Winner – Shannon Moore by pinfall. Pretty good match.

Vickie says she needs Kristal to help her with the dress. It's actually a surprise hen do. Torrie and Extreme Expose are there.

MVP vs Domino

MVP comes out still wearing a suit. MVP takes control from the start getting a 2 count from a knee lift of Domino's face. Cherry distracts the referee allowing Deuce to trip MVP. Domino gets a 2 count from a leg drop. He applies a chin lock as Matt Hardy grabs the mic. He chants MVP and the crowd fill in the gap with "sucks." It clearly works as MVP fights back until Domino hits MVP with 2 knees to the face for 2. MVP gets a 2 from a rollup but Domino hits a clothesline before ripping MVP's vest off and throwing it at Hardy. MVP plays face, fighting back until Domino rakes his eyes. Domino hits an elbow drop for 2. Domino hits a suplex before applying another chinlock. Hardy does the chant thing again as MVP fights back one more time. He hits a drop toe hold as Deuce gets on the apron. Hardy takes out Deuce causing MVP to go and have a go at Hardy. This distraction allows Domino to rollup MVP for the three.

Winner – Domino by pinfall. The Hardy/MVP angle continues to be the best thing in wrestling. After the match Hardy says MVP just showed everyone why he's the team captain before doing the MVP chant thing one more time.

Kristal's party continues. She gets some questionable gifts, the final one being in a large box. It's Big Dick Johnson.

Khali and his translator talk about tonight's main event being a preview of what'll happen at Unforgiven.

Belfast Brawl – Kane vs Finlay

Finlay attacks Kane with the Shillelagh as he makes his entrance before attacking with uppercuts and kicks. Kane reverses a whip into the steel steps and kicks Finlay in the head before rolling him in the ring. Kane beats up Finlay in the corner until he can fight back getting a 0 count off a Senton. Kane takes control back straight away with an uppercut. He scoop slams Finlay before clotheslining him over the top rope. Kane uses the crowd barrier and his fist to attack Finlay before rolling Finlay back in the ring. Finlay dropkicks Kane through the ropes before clubbing him with forearms. Kane eats the barrier and Finlay's boot. Finlay slams Kane's arm into the steps before looking for, and failing to find, Hornswoggle. Kane rams Finlay into the ringpost as the show goes to break.

When the show comes back, Finlay is working Kane's arm in the ring. He uses a chair on the arm in various ways including kicking it into the arm. The crowd chant "We want blood" as Finlay exposes the turnbuckle. He rams Kane shoulder first into it for a 2 count. He then rams Kane's arm into the chair he sets up in the ring. Finlay then does the same on the ring post. Finlay goes up top, where he is kicked to the outside by Kane. Kane pulls the rubber padding off the crowd barrier before dropping him face first on it. Kane hits Finlay with the cover off the announce table. Finlay stops a chokeslam attempt with a thumb to the eye. He sends Kane into the steps before picking up the stick. Kane punches it out of Finlay's hand before hitting the clothesline/sidewalk slam combo. Kane hits the top rope clothesline before calling for the chokeslam. He changes his mind and picks up the Shillelagh. Finlay bails and gets the Shillelagh thrown at him. Kane hits a big boot on the outside before throwing both Finlay and the steel steps into the ring. Kane goes to use the steps, but Finlay jabs him in the ribs with the chair. He hits the Celtic Cross for the 3 count.

Winner – Finlay by pinfall. Good match.

Teddy gets locked out of his office wearing nothing but boxer shorts and a tie. Kristal comes over wearing her lingerie. An argument ensues about the women with Teddy and the fat guy with Kristal. Ron Simmons comes over and says Damn. The party continues. Cole is dancing at the announce table.

Batista vs The Great Khali

Khali takes control, moves around awkwardly and clubs Batista. He hits a clothesline before calling (by waving his arms randomly) for the vice grip. Batista blocks it and kicks Khali in the leg before Khali kicks him to the outside. Khali follows Batista out of the ring where he gets speared into the ring post. Khali just attacks Batista again and rolls him back in the ring. Batista hits a Spinebuster on Khali before calling for the Batista Bomb. Khali lifts Batista up on his back and drapes him on the top rope before chopping him back into the ring. This looked pretty good for a Khali spot. Khali locks in the vice grip. Batista hooks his leg in the ropes, but Khali doesn't let go, getting disqualified.

Winner – Batista by DQ. What you'd expect.

Khali keeps the vice in after the match making emo kid in the crowd almost cry. This gets Khali some good heat.


Good show. Did more for the PPV than Raw did, but that wasn't really hard. If they're going to have a useless lump like Khali as the champion, booking him this way now will definitely get the most out of him when somebody beats him clean (even if they've done it already with Cena).

Unforgiven isn't looking too special on paper, but has the potential to be a good show. It's going to be sold on Orton vs Cena and the return of Undertaker but the ECW and both Tag Team Title matches have great potential. The new Alterbridge song is pretty good.

credit: gerweck.net