View Full Version : The Actual WWE Rehab Letter Signed by Vince McMahon

Black Widow
09-22-2007, 12:59 PM
Source: Pro Wrestling Torch

- WWE has been sending letters to former superstars offering to pay for their drug and/or alcohol treatment. According to one former talent who received the letter, it's printed on WWE stationary and is hand signed by Vince himself. Below is a copy of the letter:

Over the last ten years, an inordinate number of wrestlers have passed away. Some of those deaths may in part have been caused by drugs and alcohol.

In an effort to prevent such tragedies in the future, the WWE is willing to pay for drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation at a certified treatment chosen by WWE for any performer with a prior WWE booking contract who may need this service. The WWE will pay for this service in full.

There is no cost to you or your family. Help will be provided regardless of the circumstances of your departure from the WWF or the amount of time you performed for the WWE.

If you do not have a drug and/or alcohol problem, but know you know a former WWE performer who does, we are asking you to try to help them by encouraging them to take advantage of this opportunity.

Liz Difabio has been appointed as a representative in this matter. Liz has been with the company for over 24 years and has been directly involved with the majority of WWE performers who have received treatment for substance abuse. She understands emotions that individuals and family members go through in this process. Any conversation you have with Liz will remain confidential and will not be released to the public.

In many instances, an individual in need of help is in denial and will not want rehabilitation. There are professional intervention companies that will help persuade that person that they need treatment. Liz will be able to facilitate such interventions, should they be necessary. An intervention and treatment will be at the cost of WWE exclusively.

This service is being provided for performers with a prior WWE booking contract only. No family or friends. Please reach out to Liz if you think you might have a drug or alcohol problem or if you know someone who does. We all need to do anything we can to help prevent another tragedy.


Vincent K. McMahon
Chairman, World Wrestling Entertainment

09-22-2007, 05:54 PM
So then what about current superstars?:think:

09-22-2007, 09:34 PM
Vince, even though he doesn't have to, covers everything for current wrestlers. He has spent tens of Millions of dollars on surgerys and rehabs in the last decade alone.

09-23-2007, 01:38 AM
People need to realize that Vince does do somethings that are good for his wrestlers. It can't be that bad working for the WWE. It's kind of good that they are doing this.

09-23-2007, 02:06 AM
Well I'm glad that he is, even for former superstars, I'm sure even the jobbers.

09-23-2007, 03:39 AM
People need to realize that Vince does do somethings that are good for his wrestlers. It can't be that bad working for the WWE. It's kind of good that they are doing this.

Exactly, Vinny pays for all of the wrestlers who need surgery, like all of the neck surgerys that came about from the attitude era and HHH's quad tears, to the best surgeons in the world, and pays for everything even though he isn't contractually obligated to pay anything.

09-24-2007, 05:28 AM
vince is a good guy, bottom line. he may play a jerk and plenty of folks may say he's a jerk, but that's just jealousy fueling their anger. the guy has paid for countless surgeries for performers for years and years, surgeries he's not obligated to pay as all perfomers are independent contractors. a lot of folks like to bag on vince and cut him down for storylines, personnel moves and for what they at least believe he's really like. all i know is the guy has been married for over 40 years and raised a couple of kids who seem to have a lot going on for them in the brains dept., in addition to taking wrestling and making it what it is today: a billion dollar industry. yeah, the guy sounds like a real prick!

the madscotsman
09-24-2007, 12:31 PM
Good on him. so maybe he isn't as much of a prick as people say. well done vince

09-25-2007, 03:21 PM
I have never thought Vince was a prick. He's a business man and to be a business man u have to be hard and thats what Vince is. Also business man from time to time do very good things. The only thing is when they do something that people don't like that over shadows the good things.

the madscotsman
09-25-2007, 04:02 PM
It just seems to me that if Vince does something bad it's everywhere. but if he does something good. only internet fans hear of it.

09-25-2007, 04:09 PM
Thats the way it works. For some reason the outside media doesn't like Vince or wrestling as a hole and they never have for some reason. When more or less its just another TV show like all the rest.