View Full Version : The Living, Breathing, Ever-Growing Timeline Blog

Black Widow
09-28-2007, 10:18 PM
The Living, Breathing, Ever-Growing Timeline Blog

Greeting Amigos! Here's my latest concept--a timeline blog that I'll keep adding to as things happen and I have a chance to. For let's say-- a week from now. So with that said, here we go...

September 27th, Thursday

1:03 a.m.--Go to Jeff's and pick up Lucas for the week. Jeff and I also watch the first couple episodes of RVD TV--very interesting stuff. Jeff and I exchange great off the clock stories from work last week.

2:45 a.m.--Wash my colored clothes and then marinate in my hottub to my latest CD mix under the gorgeous moonlight.

4:12 a.m.--I finally go to bed.

12:05 p.m.--I finally get outta bed. I love being able to sleep in!

12:55 p.m.--I check the P.O. Box in Vass and get 23 birthday packages for my birthday which was on the 23rd. Thanks so much for sending me stuff--I am so flattered and so appreciate it.

2:00 p.m.--I have an amazingly good lunch at P.F. Chang's and then go on a crazy shopping spree at South Point Mall in Durham. I buy hats, shoes, shirts, sweaters, and jackets. And I also make a stop by Homegoods but was disappointed that they didn't have anything that jumped out at me.

6:10 p.m.--I train back at the gym with David Kimo--and get hot because the elliptical machines stay tied up the whole while.

8:00 p.m.--I actually get to catch Survivor--it's the first time I've ever watched it...

8:56 p.m.--...and probably the last, HA!

9:50 p.m.--For the first time, I watch the latest preview of THS, "A Hard Day's Work." Some of my peeps are trying to get me outta the house to go out, but I have alot I need to do at home... So instead, I post the first installment of The Living, Breathing, Ever-Growing Timeline Blog. I'll be back soon--I have to be, HaHaHa!

10:30 p.m.--I actually do quite a bit of updating on my OurSpace page. In addition to a new blog, I also change some of the pictures captions, update my latest hottub mix CD, and add a Thank You list dedicated to all of those who have helped me to become the person I am today.

September 29th, Friday

12:07 a.m.--I opt not to go out to the party, so the party opts to come to me! So the Hardy abode is now full of music, chatter, laughs, and dogs--all while I'm trying to clean up the house. And on a side note--People often forget that when I'm gone for weeks at a time that I actually have normal person stuff to do, HA! But it's all good--life always is!

2:32 a.m.--I have a twenty minute business call with the Zombie discussing some specifics of "Where Is Hed Bin Hiden?"

3:35 a.m.--I kindly and politely kick everyone's ass out of my house...

3:50 a.m.--Time for the hottub, music, moonlight, and a Sunny D and V!

4:35 a.m.--I go night-night!

10:07 a.m.--I force myself to wake up, even though I'm wanting some more of those Z's...

10:30 a.m.--A zone bar and a diet pepsi for breakfast, and 20 minutes of cardio on my elliptical downstairs.

11:30 a.m.--A 30 minute session on my Ceragem massage table downstairs.

12:35 p.m.--Lunch at Miller's Diner in Vass. Two chicken breast, a salad, and applesauce.

1:15 p.m.--Walk into the bank to do some big business--mainly paying bills, HA!

2:02 p.m.--Get tho oil changed in my Vette in Southern Pines.

3:15 p.m.--Spend an hour opening letters, cards, and packages from my P.O. Box. I'm blown away by the number of thoughtful letters and gifts I'm getting. So many cool shirts, hats, crosses, books, blankets, posters, candles, pictures, embroidery, etc. Just WOW! I promise you guys and gals I'll read through every one!

4:30 p.m.--Spend some time reviewing my secret tryout project I have coming up. *wink* I would tell you more but I'd have to kill ya, LLC!

5:00 p.m.--Update the L,B,EG Timeline Blog. Alrighty, gotta run, it's time to go the gym. And don't forget to watch Smackdown tonight, it's gonna be great! I'll be on early on in the show, so be on the CW right at starting time! Bbvs!


- myspace.com/theonlymatthardy

09-29-2007, 02:48 AM
That's cool, I like Matt's blog.