View Full Version : WWE.com Taking "Save Us 222" To The Next Level

Black Widow
09-29-2007, 05:46 PM
Source: PWInsider & wrestle-complex viewers

-- Thanks to a number of viewers who have sent word that WWE.com has now posted the "SaveUS_222" video on various pages of the web site. This is believed to be a viral campaign building towards a debut at WWE No Mercy on October 7th. Many believe that it is Chris Jericho, it could be someone else, but WWE succeeded with the video so far as it is bringing a lot of talk amongst the fans.

An interesting note regarding the campaign, was that it was originally thought up by former WWE creative member Court Bauer. At the time, the concept was to build hype to introduce the new Hart Foundation or Chris Jericho. The idea was that the campaign would climax at a major PPV in the fall.

The idea was to drop a video into WWE programming that didn't look like it was produced or endorsed by WWE quickly to make viewers wonder what it was. Also at various live events, T-Shirts and similar items would be given out. WWE hadn't used this idea in the past, but we'll see if this is where the "Save Us 222" campaign is going.

Y0UR Messiah
09-29-2007, 06:35 PM
sounds like a good idea if they pull it off right. With that being said, let's hope it's not another midget child.

09-29-2007, 10:46 PM
I hope it goes through well.

09-30-2007, 05:29 AM
great idea- but it better turn out to be major player like jericho

09-30-2007, 06:17 AM
with all the hints in the message, I will be suprised if it's NOT Jericho.

09-30-2007, 03:16 PM
i think it will show up on the screen at unforgiven and then change to save us_Y2J instead of 222

10-01-2007, 01:44 AM
What ever it is it better be good.

10-02-2007, 06:11 PM
well, the save_us.222 COULD be Jericho, and this weeks 8.2.11/Savior_self could be HBK... perhaps all returns will be using the "not so cryptic" Cryptic Video