View Full Version : Cena/Henry, Taker/Umaga? Holly & Cody, More News

Black Widow
09-30-2007, 01:58 PM
Source: Wrestling Observer

- There's talk of doing an Undertaker vs. Umaga feud which would see Umaga traded over to SmackDown. Vince himself is interested in this feud as well. If Umaga were to come over to SD, look for Mark Henry to make his way to RAW to feud with John Cena, since RAW is so low on heels. Henry's last match on SmackDown was probably the loss to The Undertaker this past week. Umaga's feud with Triple H should be ending soon as well.

- WWE will be taping SmackDown and ECW on a Sunday in Florence, SC on 12/2 at the Civic Center.

- The current plan for Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes will see them form a tag team to have them feud with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch for the tag team titles.

09-30-2007, 04:47 PM
I like the idea for Umage, Taker, Henry, and Cena thing that sounds like it would work out and it would be good feuds. They Holly Rhodes tag team I don't think would work out. To me they just don't mesh well together.

Black Widow
09-30-2007, 04:49 PM
If Umaga were to come over to SD, look for Mark Henry to make his way to RAW to feud with John Cena, since RAW is so low on heels.

trading 2 heels would still keep it the same way

09-30-2007, 04:57 PM
Yeah but different wrestlers make different feuds and mixing things up make for more interesting angles. For one we have never seen a Umaga Taker feud. I would like to see that.

09-30-2007, 07:58 PM
If Henry is coming to RAW to feud with Cena, then that means Cena is going to retain again!:tantrum: Umaga and Undertaker could be a good feud, but what about Big Daddy V being brought to SD! ? The Cody Rhodes/Holly team doesn't sound good at all and is just another way for Dusty to "cheat" Cody to the top:no:

Black Widow
09-30-2007, 10:37 PM
taker v umaga would be entertaining

The Major
09-30-2007, 11:16 PM
Maybe the Henry Cena feud would be after he loses to orton. no wait
this is the wwe, that wont happen.

undertaker in a feud. that will mean he wont get his title shot agian. so no reign for the deadman.

and holly. rhodes. maybe as the wwe are putting them as a tag teaml to actually get them air time and good matches
as holly is good. and rhodes is only jobbing.

09-30-2007, 11:25 PM
Mebbe Henry scews Cena out of the title? Na,Cena losing the title is just a dream:sad2:

10-01-2007, 02:31 PM
We've yet to see Cena vs Kennedy. That's the one I am waiting for...I dont' wanna see Cena beat yeat another giant. We've seen it with Cena vs Big Show, Cena vs Umaga, Cena vs Khali, and the very pathetic Cena vs Snitsky on tv.

On a side note, Umaga doesn't do anything for me anymore, so I don't really care bout Taker vs Umaga. Umaga used to be the monster on RAW, and even went through his first losses retaining that image. I mean, Cena had to strangle him with the ring rope to take him down! Then they had Bobby Lashlely destroy him week after week, followed by a loss to Jeff, and it's just like...who cares anymore? Umaga as a face was cool, but that lasted only a month. And once you line up him next to The Great Khali, although Umaga is the better wrestler, he doesn't look like he's a monster at all.

Rhodes and Holly may not be bad, although I am still pushing for London and Kendrick to win the titles. Rhodes impressed me with his promo skills (offering McMahon a condom was hillarious), but I've yet to see him impress me in the ring. Holly has never done anything for me though, and it's a shame that CM Punk had his first loss to Holly.