View Full Version : Dickinson Urges Spears To Dump Federline

05-18-2006, 08:39 PM
Dickinson Urges Spears To Dump Federline
Eighties supermodel Janice Dickinson has advice for pregnant pop star Britney Spears - dump her husband Kevin Federline. Federline has been unpopular with many Spears fans since their relationship began in April 2004, because he was still dating his then-pregnant ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson. His recent attempt at a rap career has been received coldly by music fans and the former dancer has failed to secure a record contract. Dickinson admits she is dismayed at Spears' personal appearance and wardrobe choices since she married Federline and is desperate to give her a makeover. She tells The Book Standard, "I never found him hot at all. But she's a hick anyway. She needs to get hot again. Stop clomping around in those Malibu flip-flops. I would tar and feather her first of all, tell her to dump that f**king hick husband of hers. She needs solid advice, and not from Hicksville."

05-19-2006, 12:56 PM
Who doesn't think that Britney should kick Federline out on his butt??? :hmm:

She's an idiot for staying with him anyway... He will get bored with her and cheat on her and be with another woman soon enough anyway.