View Full Version : DSW In Trouble, New Memphis Territory?

05-18-2006, 11:48 PM
# WWE's second developmental territory, Deep South Wrestling, is doing so poorly that there has been talk of shutting down the promotion. Jody Hamilton is getting the blame internally because WWE officials think he's doing a poor job running the territory.

If the promotion gets shutdown, some of the talent would shift over to OVW. Unfortunately, not everyone would shift over to OVW because some wrestlers would be released. Although, the arrival of ECW will open up a few more roster spots in OVW because they plan on using some of the developmental talents.

# Jerry Lawler is trying to convince WWE to make Memphis a developmental territory. Although, Johnny Ace isn't too keen on the idea. As it stands now, it would take someone other than Johnny Ace to make it happen. DSW is Ace's pet project.