View Full Version : *SPOILERS* SD! (Air Date: 12 October) - Detroit, Michigan

Dangerous Incorporated
10-10-2007, 03:26 AM
Dark Match:

*Jacob Duncan defeated Funaki.

http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/9522/fridaynightsmackdownkj2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

*Chuck Palumbo rolled up Chris Masters for a pinfall. Palumbo controlled most of the match. Afterwards, Masters attacked him and out Palumbo with the Masterlock.

*Big Daddy V promotional video airs.

*Jesse & Festus defeated Jay Adams & Conrad Carr (Eddie Venom and Conrad Kennedy III from Michigan indy scene).

*There is a backstage vignette with Jamie Noble, Deuce and Domino.

*Drew McIntyre (Drew McDoland from Scotland), with Dave Taylor) defeated Brett Major.

*Diva search segment.

*Backstage promo with WWE Tag team champions Matt Hardy and MVP.

*The Undertaker and Kane defeated WWE Tag Team champions Matt Hardy and MVP after Taker drilled MVP with a tombstone. This was a non-title match.

*In a backstage promo with Vickie Guerrero and Jamie Noble, leading to Vickie signing Noble vs. Khali next.

*Great Khali beats Jamie Noble with the head squishie.

*Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Deuce and was attacked and laid out by Deuce and Domino. Cherry even slapped Yang.

*Rey Mysterio vs. Fit Finlay for the #1 contendership of the WWE World title went to a no contest after a chair was used. The lights in the arena went out and by the time they returned, both men were laid out in the ring. Undertaker was inside, making a motion with his hands for the belt, motioning to Batista, who was at ringside doing commentary.

Detailed Report

First match is Chuck Palombo (with Michelle McCool) against Chris Masters. Both guys do their normal entrance. Masters almost gets The Masterlock but Chuck blocks it and it was never fully put it on. CP goes for a big boot. Masters ducks and then goes for a clothesline but Chuck ducks and Chuck schoolboys Masters for the win. Afterwards, CP goes to leave on his motorcycle but Masters attacks him and puts him in The Masterlock. Masters leaves. Afterwards, CP and Michelle go to leave on foot but turn around and go out on the bike.

2 local guys, Jake Adams and Conrad?, came out with no music to face Jesse and Festus! Jesse says something about Festus not being quite right and tells the ref to ring the bell. Good back and forth stuff
Jesse gets the pin after Festus throws Jesse off the top rope at the other wrestler. As they leave, Deuce and Domino come on the monitor with Jamie Noble. Noble tells D&D that he was at the bar and over heard Jimmy Wang Yang talking about Cherry, so they ran to Vicki's office and dragged Noble with them.

Bret Major came out with his brother for a match with Drew Macintyre (even though the screen said Drew Halloway). I believe David Taylor escorted Drew out. Drew Macintyre won with a roll up after Bret was distracted by Taylor. Drew's entrance music is William Regal's old one.\

MVP is on the phone with someone talking about his match tonight. Matt walks in and says they need to work together to win and stop competing against one another. That match is next. MVP comes out, then Matt Hardy comes out to a pretty big ovation. Kane and Undertaker come out to big ovations as well. Kane and Matt start. Taker gets tagged in and goes for old school but Matt blocks it. MVP clotheslines Taker but he sits up and throws him in. Kane throws Matt out. Taker and Kane go for a double chokeslam on MVP but Matt pulls him out, but that causes a fight with them. Undertaker ends up getting the pin after he hits Matt off the apron. Kane and Taker corner MVP and Taker hits the tombstone on him.

Tonight it's Rey against Finlay for the number one contendership. I believe that is the main event.

Noble was in Vicki's office talking about Teddy and how he should be better next week. Noble said that he understood why Vicki stole Teddy's job and he bragged about how he got a match for Jimmy Wang Yang tonight against Deuce, so Vicki put him in a match against Khali, which Khali won pretty quick with the vice grip. Afterwards Deuce, with Domino and Cherry, lost to JWY after, I believe, a moonsault. After the match, D&D beat down Jimmy.

Then Batista came out, pyro and all, to do commentary on the main event, Finlay vs. Rey. That's actually happening right now. JBL also said that for Cyber Sunday you can choose the special ref for the World Title match: Foley, JBL or Stone Cold. As you can image, Austin got the biggest pop.

I believe Rey vs. Finlay ended in a DQ when Rey kicked the chair Finlay was about to hit him with, into Finlay's face. After that, they fought a bit until the lights went out and Taker's gong and music hit! Taker symbolized he wanted the belt and Batista held it up to a reaction he probably didn't like.

10-10-2007, 03:39 AM
Thought the promos said BOD vs Matt and Mvp were for titles!??!

And I still wanna know why the hell i knew nothing about wwe being in Michigan this week!!!!! :furious:.

Bad Boy
10-10-2007, 11:03 AM
Taker for NEXT WORLD CHAMPION!! lol... waiting for CC when Taker takes the belt, hopefully...

10-11-2007, 02:17 PM
Taker for NEXT WORLD CHAMPION!! lol... waiting for CC when Taker takes the belt, hopefully...

I'm going to guess that you meant CS(Cyber Sunday?),instead of CC?

Sounds like a rather dull SD!!
Other than BOD vs. Hardy/MVP(which I also thought I heard was for the Titles),and Mysterio vs. Green Garbage,(how did a guy like this get to be "potential" contender status???),it seems like it's filled with alot of "filler" matches.