View Full Version : Sad News In Nick Hogan Case

Black Widow
10-11-2007, 03:01 PM
A number of readers sent links to local Florida media reports that John Graziano, the passenger in Nick Hogan's car crash, is reportedly going to need to be in a nursing home for the rest of his life and is believed to have suffered brain damage in the August car wreck. To make matters worse, his parents (who are estranged) are battling in court over his guardianship, which the court temporarily awarded to his mother. The entire story is completely depressing. While not a wrestling story, so many readers have sent notes about it, that we wanted to make note of it. The investigation into the crash is still ongoing by Florida authorities - Nick Hogan could still be charged criminally depending on the outcome of that investigation. I was in a horrific crash several years back, so I really feel for everyone involved here, and just want to make a note again, that if you are getting in a car, even for five minutes, put on that seatbelt. Ten terrible seconds can change your life forever and if those ten seconds occur for you, that belt will save your life - it literally did for me

- PWInsider.com

10-11-2007, 04:16 PM
that's really sad news. i feel for the guy...went through a pretty bad accident myself years ago, flatlined twice. that kind of stuff does stuff to mentally that takes years to get over.

as far as nick goes, it's really tough for me to feel for the guy. he was doing something stupid and deserves whatever punishment is handed out to him. there are far too many kids walking the earth under the impression that they're 10 feet tall and bulletproof. it's sad that tragic things like this have to occur before they get it through their heads that there are, in fact, consequences for stupid actions. hogan can't buy him out of this trouble...

Bad Boy
10-11-2007, 07:26 PM
Nick shud be thrown in jail for this, he ruined somebody's life...

10-11-2007, 07:54 PM
i agree he was being wreckless and should pay for it with jail time

10-11-2007, 09:47 PM
Nick should pay for it but his dad will half too.

10-11-2007, 09:56 PM
nck should be punished for vehicular manslaughter

10-11-2007, 11:23 PM
I can't believe that, poor guy... If it was Nick Hogan's fault, he should be dealt with appropriately...