View Full Version : Booker T & Batista Sort Our Their Differences

05-19-2006, 08:26 AM
WWE’s website has a photo featuring Booker T and Batista together at the CW Network presentation that took place in New York City today. Featured with the photo is an article that states the two stars that recently got into a fistfight during the filming of a SummerSlam commercial are now getting along rather well. It goes on to state that the two actually had a chance to discuss their differences during breakfast prior to the event. Booker T is quoted in the article as saying “We had a good talk, and we’ll have no problem working together and being professional. We’re going to do what’s right for each other’s careers and the future of the company.” WWE.com is teasing comments from Batista to come later.

Credit: W-E

05-19-2006, 03:27 PM
Batista will come back at Judgment Day and ruin Booker's chances.