View Full Version : Tonight On SmackDown: Last Stop Before Judgment Day

05-19-2006, 08:26 AM
Credit: WWE.com

The final stop on the road to Judgment Day will be made this week when the SmackDown Superstars roll into Albuquerque, N.M.

Over the past two weeks, United States Champion JBL has held Rey Mysterio to his word, goading the World Champion into matches against Mark Henry and The Great Khali. Rey has lost both matches, losing to Khali in his hometown last week. After the match, JBL told Rey that he would have to wait and see who his next opponent would be. So just what will JBL have in store for the World Champion just two days before they square off at Judgment Day?

MNM will be busy at Judgment Day, as Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro will defend the WWE Tag Team Championship against Paul London & Brian Kendrick and Melina will face Jillian one on one. Last week, London, Kendrick & Jillian humiliated MNM, pulling their pants down in the ring. This Friday night, the WWE Tag Team Champions and their fiery manager will be looking for revenge when they face London, Kendrick & Jillian in a Six-Person Tag Team Match; who will get the momentum heading into Judgment Day, and can MNM snap their losing streak against London & Kendrick?

Plus, Chris Benoit will team up with his protégé Gunner Scott to take on Booker T and Finlay. Benoit will go one on one with Finlay this Sunday at Judgment Day, so they will surely be looking to soften each other up before their big match. And Booker T will be facing Lashley in the King of the Ring finals at Judgment Day. Will Booker T be able to concentrate on his SmackDown match, or will he be looking past Gunner Scott once again? Remember, it was Booker T who Gunner Scott earned a victory over in his debut match last month.

Also last week, two new matches were made for Judgment Day and a third was finalized. With Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry, Gregory Helms vs. Super Crazy for the Cruiserweight Championship and Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley in the King of the Ring finals all set, will General Manager Theodore Long have any last-minute additions or announcements about the pay-per-view spectacular?

Find out the answers to these questions and more Friday night at 8/7 CT on UPN.