View Full Version : SD! & ECW Survivor Series Tour - Brussels, Belgium (13 October)

Dangerous Incorporated
10-14-2007, 02:53 AM
http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/2003/sdcd6.gif (http://imageshack.us)http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/1048/ecwry4.png (http://imageshack.us)

The Vorst Nationaal Arena was about 80% full and there was a hot crowd all night long. All in all, it was a great night of WWE action. WWE's Raw brand visited Brussels last year as well.

Howard Finkle welcomed us and introduced ECW General Manager Armando Estrada who announced some matches for tonight's show.

The first match was the combination of Jesse and Festus Dalton vs. Deuce and Domino with Cherry. Back and forth match that ended in favour of the Daltons. After the match, Festus danced in the ring while wearing Deuce's leather jacket. Fun opener.

The second match pitted Kevin Thorn against ECW newcomer Johnny Jeter (in black and grey pants). A fun little match it was. Thorn hit a wicked backbreaker. The bout ended when Thorn hit the Original Sin modified neck breaker on Johnny Jeter. Jeter got a good oviation, at least for a new guy, from the crowd when he left.

Next up, ring veteran Dave Taylor faced Chuck Palumbo, who made his entrance on his motorcycle. Taylor worked the crowd marvelously at the start, he refused to get in to the ring with Chuck and drew lots of heat. He even spoke to the crowd. Palumbo hit a delayed vertical suplex and the big boot for the win.

Howard Finkle introduced the Divas. First up was the very beautiful Maryse, followed by Katherine (OVW's Katie Lea, who will most likely make her debut next week on SmackDown), Michelle McCool and Victoria. Maryse wore a pink bikini and Michelle McCool a sparkling grey one. Katherine/Katie Lea wore a red and black outfit and Victoria wore a skimpy pirate outfit resembling Shelly Martinez'. Victoria did the Worm and some other Too Cool dances as well. McCool won after she received the biggest ovation from the Belgian crowd.

Next up was an U.S. Title match between MVP and Matt Hardy. MVP stalled as well and didn't want to get into the ring with Matt, who received a very good pop as well. Forst Nationaal errupted in Hardy chants! The match went on for quite a bit with several near falls. MVP rolled up Hardy with a handful of tights (what we call a BIR here in Belgium, look up "In de Gloria" on youtube and you know what I mean!), and pinned Matt. After the match, Deuce and Domino attacked Hardy and MVP, but the champs quickly sent them packing. Afterwards, they shook hands and MVP tried to attack Hardy, but Hardy hit a Side Effect.


First match after the break was an ECW title match pitting CM Punk, with taped ribs, against John Morrison. Punk was super-over with the crowd and gave away his T-shirt to a young girl. Punk put the former Nitro in a boston crab and hit a superplex, Nitro countered with a beautiful dropkick from the outside. In the end, Punk hit the GTS for the win. After this cool bout, Matt Striker and Big Daddy V destroyed CM Punk.

Next up was Fit Finlay & Chris Masters vs. The Undertaker & Kane. Kane got a great reaction for his entrance, but Undertaker's blew off the roof of the building! There was lots of brawling with Masters and Finlay isolating Kane. Kane went for the hot tag, and 'Taker came in and cleaned house. After a double chokeslam by the Brothers of Destruction, Undertaker hit the Tombstone Piledriver on Finlay for the win. Little Bastard popped up as well!

The main event was a triple treat match between Great Khali, Rey Mysterio and the champ Batista. A short and all in all dissapointing match which Batista won after a weak spear. Afterwards, Batista posed with a Belgian flag and worked the crowd.

All in all, a great, great show and we all hope WWE comes back to Belgium next year.

A big thanks to Fredjen Amerijckx as well for ordering this great ringside seats.

Quick results:
The Daltons def. Deuce & Domino
Kevin Thorn def. Johnny Jeter
Chuck Palumbo def. Dave Taylor
The Best Body contest was won by Michelle McCool.
MVP def. Matt Hardy
CM Punk def. John Morrison
Kane & Undertaker def. Finlay & Chris Masters
Batista def. Rey Mysterio & Great Khali in a triple treat.

Biggest Pop:
The Undertaker, Batista, Kane, CM Punk and Rey Mysterio (and the Divas ;-)

Biggest Heat:
Masters, Dave Taylor, Deuce & Domino, MVP and Finlay

Source: Gerweck