View Full Version : *SPOILERS* ECW - England (16 October)

Dangerous Incorporated
10-17-2007, 01:49 AM
http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2290/ecwpt4.gif (http://imageshack.us)

Notes: They're allowing signs into the arena tonight, after Raw was devoid of them thanks to some overzealous arena staff. WWE's interviewing kids around the building, probably for a video package at some point, and we'll be going live with dark matches and ECW in 25 minutes or so.

The arena's half full as we go through the usual videos...

Dark Match: Tommy Dreamer beat Carl Ouelette with a DDT.

ECW opens with John Morrison coming out, wanting fans to vote for him at the PPV. They show a replay of Punk v Morrison from last week. Out comes Miz, who gets the fans to vote for him... then out comes Big Daddy V and Matt Striker. It's the same "I want that title shot" angle we've seen a billion times.

Out comes CM Punk who says he doesn't care who his opponent is at the PPV... and his mystery partner tonight is Kane!

That match starts off the show; Punk still has the taped ribs and is really over. Everyone works over Punk's ribs as the crowd chants "who are ya?" to the Miz. Punk gets a hot tag to Kane, who gets into a staredown with Big Daddy V. Miz gets a blind tag and is promptly chokeslammed for as Kane gets the win.

"Match wasn't bad - quite long for ECW"

Cyber Sunday run-down now.

Long period of downtime follows, causing the crowd to ger restless. Miz and John Morrison argue backstage, and Miz cheapshots Morrison, leading to our main event... because they didn't fly out the full ECW roster, I presume!

Balls Mahoney is interviewed about how he likes Kelly Kelly. KK asks Balls out... and their date is TONIGHT~!

They have an announcement about the talent merger, and our next match is Jesse & Festus vs Elijah Burke & Nunzio. Jesse pinned Nunzio with a flying cross body off the top in a quick match. Burke walked out after the match, and our main event is next!

Miz v Morrison ends in a no-contest as Big Daddy V comes out and squashes both men, then poses, and that's the end of ECW!