View Full Version : What You Didn't See Last Night On WWE RAW

Dangerous Incorporated
10-17-2007, 02:14 AM
After RAW went dark, Shawn Michaels continued to pose around the ring for about 30 seconds and then made his way up the ramp, stopping and making weird sneering and then smiling faces towards the direction of the empty ring (guess it never hurts to have some extra b-roll for vignettes). He got to the stage and Triple H’s music hit. Michaels stood at the entrance doing the old Kliq double point towards HHH as he made his way out to the stage. They shugged (the ol’ hand shake into the shoulder hug) and the HHH pulled Michaels back to do their dual pose. Usual good pop for HHH; the unusual part was the fact that most of the fans stayed (no matter the caliber of the main event dark match after the show, most venues in the states empty out a good 30-40%). Umaga came out, and even though Lillian didn’t announce it was a street fight, I assume from the way the match went, that it was.

HHH defeated Umaga in 12:12 after the pedigree. Your typical house show match. Punches back and forth early. Match went to the outside quickly and HHH slammed Umaga’s head into the steps but…duh…he’s Samoan and HHH wound up tasting the steps himself. Umaga then backed HHH into the far ring and went for a splash but HHH moved and Umaga’s head met the post. Umaga staggered back into the ring while HHH grabbed the house mic climbed into the ring and then gave Umaga 3 shots to the head with it. HHH then went looking for more plunder and got a garbage can which moments later wound up with the impression of a large Samoan man’s head moments later which got Helmsley a 2 count. HHH went back to the trash can but Umaga ducked and hit a Samoan drop after which HHH started to sell the ribs from last week’s angle. Umaga dominated the next 2 minutes with punches, kicks and heat-butts, mostly to the ribs. After a running head-butt to the midsection and a running splash, Umaga got a 2 count. Triple H mounted a Steamboat style comeback throwing a punch and then back to selling, throwing another punch and then selling again. He hit the ropes but was met with a bearhug and Umaga tossed him around to get over the idea he was going after the ribs. After about a minute of the bearhug, HHH punched his way out but Umaga quickly countered back with a belly-to-belly suplex that was good for a 2 count. When they got back to their feet Umaga went right back to the bearhug, this time more from the side and eventually in a seated position from behind. HHH just did a little sign with his hand motioning upwards and the crowd started to get behind him. HHH broke the hold with 3 elbows to the side of the head but Umaga cut him off with a head butt to the back. HHH staggered to the corner and Umaga sent him to the mat with a series of punches setting him up for the running hip attack (I know, it’s not his hip…this move should have a name, no? Wikipedia list’s it as the Samoan Wrecking Ball, but I’ve never heard anyone actually call it that). With a full head of steam, Umaga hit the Samoan wrecking ball but took his time to lightly make a cover (hook the leg maaaaaan) and Helmsley kicked out at 2. Umaga was upset with the ref the paced around until going outside to grab a chair, taking his time to get back in the ring with it. He went to nail HHH with the chair, but was met with a Ric Flair style low blow and he dropped the chair. Still on his knees, HHH took the chair and placed it between Umaga’s legs and gave him another low blow.

Umaga sold while HHH got to his feet and the took him down face first with a DDT on the chair, but even hooking the leg, only managed a two count. Both men got to their feet and traded punches, HHH went to whip Umaga into the corner but was reversed and sent back first into and over the top turnbuckle to the outside. Umaga went to the outside as well and took the top part of the ring steps and launched them at HHH, but he ducked, came around with a kick to the gut and hooked him for the pedigree but was blocked and subsequently back-dropped onto the floor. Umaga then took the lower half of the ring steps and placed them into the ring. Both got back into the ring, HHH sold into the corner and Umaga came charging but was met with a boot. HHH the came charging out of the corner at Umaga but was caught with the swinging Ura-nage but only for another 2 count.

He then set the stairs up in the corner against the turnbuckles (like they would a table) and dragged HHH over to them, placing HHH, seated, with his head and back against them, setting up for another “Samoan Wrecking Ball.” HHH moved out of the way this time and Umaga crashed back first into the steps. He sold out of the corner and then charged HHH and was met with a spinebuster. HHH jumped up and did his pose, but immediately crumbled into the corner selling his ribs. Umaga got back to his feet and picked the garbage can that was still in the ring. He went to nail HHH with it was met with a boot to the gut…Pedigree…Ball Game (as JBL would say).

HHH stood in the ring selling his ribs every time he posed, and he and Umaga stared each other down as Umaga made his way up the aisle. HHH did about another 3 minutes of posing/selling before Lillian Garcia thanked the UK fans and the show ended.

Very simple match, probably a notch or two below the No Mercy match with a lot less crowd heat, but I thought the two had decent chemistry and did the review of it play-by-play style just because even though it’s formulaic, matches like that work and when it’s broken down, you can see why. HHH seems to have shed his ring rust he blatantly showed at The SummerSlam (tribute to Bret hart since his book is now available in Canada…God’s Country) and Unforgiven and hopefully he and Umaga can build on a very simple match like this and with the added stipulation will turn it up a few more notches and put on a very good match.

You can download this match here:

10-17-2007, 02:18 AM
Thanx for the detailed info man :)

The Mac
10-29-2007, 10:58 AM
it waz a good warm up for there cyber sunday match