View Full Version : Kristal Released

Dangerous Incorporated
10-20-2007, 01:05 AM
Details are still coming in, but Kristal Marshall was released by World Wrestling Entertainment within the last 48 hours. Her profile was quietly removed from both the Smackdown and Divas roster of WWE.com yesterday. The belief among those in the company I've spoken to is that there has been no announcement thus far due to the nature of the Teddy Long storyline. I've heard one version of why she was let go but until I confirm it with a second source, I am going to refrain from writing about it.

Marshall, a former Price is Right model, was hired after competing in the 2005 Diva Search. She had worked on the Smackdown side as a backstage interviewer and occasionally a wrestler, most recently doing the romance storyline with Teddy Long that climaxed with the Smackdown "season premiere" wedding episode last month.

At this point, Marshall has not acknowledged the departure on her MySpace website page.

10-20-2007, 03:52 AM
Well, that's not a big loss... talent wise.

10-20-2007, 08:41 AM
Ah crap she was one of the hottest divas as well!

10-20-2007, 04:12 PM
Its odd that she would be released so quickly after being in the "main storyline" on smackdown and because she is Bobby's girlfriend. Maybe she killed a hooker on the European tour.