View Full Version : Wrestler’s Eye View Looks At Wwe Losing Booker T And Sharmell And More

Black Widow
10-25-2007, 04:56 PM

This past week it was made official that Booker T and his lovely wife Sharmell have parted ways with WWE. The story leading up to and including their release was posted on one of their web sites. I do feel that this is a loss for the promotion if for no other reason then the fact that they have been running at less then a hundred percent most of this year, and Booker helped take up the slack, and then some.

I really like the way he handled his king character as he did the goofy English accent and kingly stuff before and after the bells, and was a solid kick-ass heel during the match. I really think that when a wrestler interjects his gimmick stitch in the middle of a match it detracts from the wrestling, I mean after all if someone were trying to separate your head from your shoulders would you stop and play to the crowd as soon as you got the upper hand? I find it hard to suspend my disbelief in cases like that.

The rumor mill has the couple from Houston headed to TNA and I truly believe they can help that company if programmed in the right way. No one I have talked to can confirm their arrival in Orlando, but most think it is a matter of when not if.

While on the subject of TNA I like many other have read about the meeting between roster members and Dixie Carter over the weekend of the “Bound for Glory” PPV in Atlanta. Again, not sure what the topics of conversation were about, but would totally agree that they need to take an entirely new direction with the advent of their two hour programming. I feel strongly that they need to offer an alternative to WWE to really move forward not just a watered down version of same. The rumor mill is also saying something I have been behind for quite sometime. That is making Jim Cornette head of creative. I do know that the last time Jim and I talked about that subject several months ago he said he wasn’t interested in booking/writing anything. Naturally everyone has the right to change their mind, but he seemed pretty happy with his life as is.

If it’s true that D’Lo Brown has signed on with TNA as an agent behind the scenes they have made a smart investment. Brown was a member of my staff for a time during developmental days and has a keen mind for the business and understands the way it “should” operate. He and I have had many lengthy discussions about wrestling psychology and the inner workings. He is a good student and also wouldn’t hurt them if they interjected him in ring as well. He is a young veteran with much to offer.

Teddy Hart was released by WWE, and the sun comes up in the morning. I have no idea why and haven’t asked. I have heard that it could be in part due to his ring psychology or lack there of. There is no doubt in my mind this young man is a talented aerialist, but there is a time and place for those things, and not just when you feel the spirit rising in your soul. I can’t stress enough that first last and foremost this is a business, and regardless of your personal feelings you do as you are asked by those calling the shots. I know it can be frustrating for everyone with a creative streak from time to time, but that is the way it is.

One major plus for WWE is the return of Shawn Michaels and I am told Edge will be coming back right on his heels. They both add a great deal of substance to the company.

Harry Smith made his debut this past Monday, and did a good job connecting with the live audience. Looking back at Monday the multi generational thing in the business was well represented if you add Randy Orton and Cody Runnels to the mix.

I heard all the horror stories about this past weekend’s “Fiasco in Frisco”, or the big fan fest that had wrestlers pulling out right and left, and many that showed up stiffed on their payoff. It is a sad state of affairs when this happens and it happens all too often with these kind of events.

Someone comes up with the idea to play “super promoter” and starts booking people with never a thought if the location is the right one, and just how many people you can contract with and actually come out at least even. I talked with several people at the annual Charlotte affair this past August about this event and no one believed it was possible to pull it off on such a large scale without losing your shirt. We all agreed that whoever the promoter was he had better have very deep pockets.

You have to stop and realize that no matter how much a person is a super fan of the industry, they will only want or purchase so many photos and or autographs of the same legend. There is a saturation point. The annual Charlotte gig is different as I have been to two of them and it draws many fans from the area that date back to the mid-sixties, and they come to hang out with the talent from that era, and shoot the breeze.

Realize that the Crockett Offices were based in that city for ever and many of these people might be standing in the grocery store check out line with someone they watched on television or went to see at the weekly matches. It was a far more intimate/personal atmosphere. I was a part of that for many years, and enjoy going there to visit with these fans that have been such a big part of my history in the business. BUT! The same deal will not work for everyone, everyplace that pro wrestling has been held over the years. It’s sad to say but I am sure a repeat of the fallout in Frisco will be repeated within the next eighteen months in some other area.
Train hard and master your craft.

Till Next Time,

Les and Harley Race form Elite Pro Wrestling Training along with the principles left by former staff members Ricky Steamboat and Dr. Tom Prichard. For details on the company go to epwt.com. To book an EPWT seminar, camp, or one of the trainers contact Les at les@epwt.com.

Get your copy of “The Professional Wrestler’s Workout & Instructional Guide” by Harley, Ricky, Les, and Alex Marvez published by Sports Publishing LLC at your local bookstore, highspots.com, or one of several web sites.

Harley will be appearing that these World League Wrestling events 10/27 Maryland Heights, MO. 11/16 Harrisonville, MO. 11/17 Concordia, MO. For details go to harleyrace.com.

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