View Full Version : WWE Going Back To One Single Brand? Vader, More

Black Widow
11-06-2007, 09:52 PM
Source: Wrestling Observer

- Former WWE Hall of Famer Blackjack Mulligan is recovering from a stroke he recently had. Blackjack temporarily lost vision in his left eye and control of the left side of his face.

- Former WCW and WWF superstar Big Van Vader recently had hip replacement surgery and is expected to make a full recovery by early next year. Apparently Vader waited until he had retired from professional wrestling before he had the surgery.

- Some of those who are in power within WWE want to change the company back to one single brand. It appears WWE could be swinging that way some as we've seen a lot of inter-brand matches and angles in the past few weeks.

11-06-2007, 11:58 PM
The one brand thing sounds good.

11-07-2007, 12:02 AM
The One Brand could work as long as they have atleast two shows to showcase all their "talent" without over pushing a few guys but then WWE could mess it up or it can work really well but I wont judge until I have seen it though