View Full Version : WWE suspend Bulldog's son Newspaper Article

Black Widow
11-08-2007, 10:27 PM
THE WWE’S new firm line on drugs has caught its first two abusers.

Sadly, one of them is Harry Smith — the son of legendary grappler British Bulldog Davey Boy.

Davey died aged 39 from a heart attack, partly brought on by years of taking steroids and growth hormones.

In previous interviews, Harry — who made his Raw debut just two weeks ago — said he had not inherited his father’s problems.

In 2003, he claimed: “I've never taken steroids, I don't plan to.

"I loved my dad. Yes, he made mistakes, but I have learned from them. I won't go down that path.”

Along with Smith, the WWE have suspended Chris Masters, real name Chris Mordetzky. It is the second time he has been caught.

As when they punished 10 superstars back in August, the WWE have to be applauded for taking quick and decisive action.

Harry is only 22 and a softly-spoken, respectful superstar.

Hopefully, the fact his bosses have caught his drug use so early in his career will stop him taking them for good.

An official WWE statement said: “In accordance with its Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy, WWE today suspended the following performers for violations: Chris Mordetzky (Chris Masters) for 60 days (second violation) and Harry Smith (D H Smith) for 30 days (first violation).”

It is not known what the pair were taking, but it is certain to be unprescribed steroids or painkillers.

Company spokesman Gary Davis said: “WWE are very serious about eradicating the use of steroids and the abuse of prescription drugs.

“And we hope by making the names of our performers public, it will be a further deterrent to the other performers.”

The Sun (UK Newsaper)

11-09-2007, 12:02 AM
Thanks for the info.