View Full Version : 11/9 RAW Brand House Show, Sydney Australia

Black Widow
11-10-2007, 01:07 PM

from Brett Sullivan:

Match #1: Tag Team Tournament match
The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Hardcore Holly & Cody

Decent match given about 10 minutes, crowd was
actually pretty into Holly for some reason. Holly won
the match with an Alabama Slam.

Match #2 - Womens Title: Beth Phoenix (C) vs Mickie

Solid reaction for Mickie throughout the match got the
1st real chant with a "Mickie" chant starting during
the match. Like the 1st match this was given around 10
minutes. Beth won with her finisher (not sure what
it's called). Mickie got another solid pop when she
made her way to the back.

Jillian came out to sing a Kylie song, Santino
interupts says that nobody wants to hear her sing they
want her out (big cheers from the crowd), just like
the Socceroos when the faced Italy at the World Cup
(big Boos from the crowd), Santino then starts to sing
when "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan comes out gets a very quite
reaction to start but at the bottom of the ramp swaps
the US flag for an Australian one and got big cheers.

Hoooo chants throughout the match, sections of the
crowd tried to start an "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi,
Oi, Oi" chant where you would normally hear "USA USA"

Duggan got the win in a shortish match after Santino
tried to run away a couple of times.

Snitsky came down to no reaction at all big boot to
Duggan, big boot and pump handle slam to Santino,
Snitsky leaves seriously you could hear one person
cough and a pin drop during the whole Snitsky bit.

Match #3 Tag Team Tournament Match #2
Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes vs The Highlanders

Not as good as the opening match, crowd was still into
Holly again they got the win after the Alabama Slam.

Regal on the ramp congrats to Holly and Rhodes you now
have a shot at the Tag Team Titles, right now

Match #4
Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes vs Lance Cade & Trevor

Holly and Rhodes played the role of 2 people who had
been through hell and now the tag champs were picking
at the bones well Holly made a short comeback went for
the Alabama slam but interference by Cade allowed
Murdoch to reverse the move and get the pin.

Some guy won a X-Box 260 signed by everyone on the
tour and a copy of SDvsRAW 2008 prize was presented by
Mickie and the crowd was torn between cheering Mickie
and booing the winner so pretty much ended up with no

Match #5 - William Regal vs Brian Kendrick (no Paul

"Regal Sucks" chants to start, Regal gets on the mic
and says "I can't suck I'm not Australian" this gets
big boos and a "Regal is a wanker" chant.

Dueling "Regal Sucks" & "Regal is a wanker" during the
match. Big pop for Kendrick winning but not much else
in terms of cheers for Kendrick.

Match #6 - WWE Title
Mr Kennedy out first blasts Tony Chimmell for his poor
announcing. The teases his introduction a couple of
times when the fans started to go with him. In between
Kennedy's he stops to point someone in the first row
commenting "It's a family show and we have porn stars
in the front row" (not sure who it was but there was a
stretched Hummer outside the Arena as I left)

Jeff Hardy next out - Easily the biggest pop of the

Orton the final one out loud boos when he steps from
behind the curtain but not much after that.

"Hardy" chants before the bell, Jeff hesitant to get
in the ring as he knows this is basically a handicap

Finally all 3 are in the ring, Jeff gets double teamed
for most of the match including a string of about 4-6
elbow (Orton) and leg (Kennedy) drops.

Orton spends most of the match watching Kennedy-Hardy
beat each other up

Jeff makes a comeback, Whisper in the wind for a 2
count on Orton, 10 punch in the corner, handstand into
a drop kick for a 2 count on Kennedy, Hardy clears the
ring (Kennedy on the East side of ring, Orton to the
south side) Planca on Kennedy connects, Hardy scampers
back into the ring, attempted planca onto Orton misses

Orton gets a roll up 2 count on Hardy

Hardy makes another comeback against Kennedy, goes up
top for a Swanton cut off by Kennedy, Green Bay Plunge
off the top rope. Orton in tosses Kennedy out, hits an
RKO on Hardy for the pin very short match considering
it was for the title and the people in the match,
Hardy stayed down for a LONG time but seemed fine when
he did make his way to the back

Main Event - Triple H vs Umaga - No DQ

HHH gets the biggest reaction of the night. Umaga out
to an poor reaction all things considered.

3 microphone shots and 1 chair shot gets HHH a 2 count
on Umaga. Umaga with a clothesline and Samoan Spike
doesn't go for the pin picks HHH up for a 2nd spike,
HHH blocks it. Umaga goes for a ass-a-lanche, HHH
moves, attempted chair shot by Umaga missed, brawl up
the ramp, tease Umaga going off the stage but it
doesn't happen, fight back to the ring. Ass-a-lanche
by Umaga connects, Banzi drop reversed into a low blow
by HHH. Hunter gets the sledgehammer, swings and
misses, evnetually HHH hits the pedigree for the win.

Overall not the best show which wasn't helped by a
largely poor crowd reaction. Crowd was dead for long
times during the match.

Biggest Pops
Triple H
Jeff Hardy
Mr Kennedy's introduction
Santino (telling Jillian to get out)
Mickie James
Jim Duuggan when he swaped flags

Biggest Heat
William Regal
Santino (when he bashed the Australian Soccer Team)
Randy Orton