View Full Version : ECW/Smackdown Survivor Series Tour Results - Ponce, Puerto Rico - 11/9

Flair Country
11-10-2007, 09:40 PM
Match #1 was Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Jamie Noble in a very good match.

Match #2 was Chuck Palumbo who came to the ring on his bike defeated Kenny

Match #3 Elijah Burke defeating Tommy Dreamer.

Match #4 was Womens bout with Michelle McCool defeating Victoria.

Match #5 was a really good match with M.V.P. defeating Mat Hardy for the US
Title. Before the match M.V.P. insulted the fans of Ponce.

Match #6 Kane destroyed Chavo Guerrero ...

Break of about 15 minutes

Match #7 CM Punk defeated John Morrison in a good bout for the ECW World

Match #8 in the worst match of the night Matt Striker defeated Sho Funaki.
Everybody was talking about why Funaki instead of anyone better than him ...

Main Event of the night a Six Man Tag where Batista - The Undertaker and Rey
Mysterio defeated Great Khali - Finlay and Puerto Rico's own Carlito after
the Undertaker pinned Finlay.

Biggest Pops
2.Rey Mysterio
5.Matt Hardy

Biggest Heat
1.M.V.P. definitely
3.Kenny Dykstra
4.John Morrison
5.Chavo Guerrero
