View Full Version : Edge Speaks on Return Feuds, PPV Poster, SS, More

Black Widow
11-16-2007, 11:14 AM
- Edge has done a new interview with Marvel.com talking about comics, super heros and his upcoming return to WWE. Here are some of the highlights:

Marvel.com: How much time passed between your injury and the surgery?

Edge: I got the surgery a week and a half after, because you only have a certain window but I had to go relinquish the title. I [got hurt] in New Orleans [on a Tuesday], flew to Birmingham [Alabama] and got diagnosed, but Dr. Andrews only did surgeries on Tuesdays and Thursdays—and it was Wednesday. So I had to fly back out to TV [the next Tuesday] to relinquish the title and then get the surgery on Thursday after that. I finally got it done and was told I'd be out four to six months. We're coming up to four months and should be good to go.

Marvel.com: Let's wind down with a little wrestling talk. You're set to come back at Survivor Series later this month?

Edge: We're trying to gauge it. I just started back in the ring down here in our farm system in Florida and that will show how well I hold up. We'll see. But I'm on the promotional poster [for Survivor Series], so I'm guessing I'll be there in some form.

Marvel.com: Yeah, we were checking out the poster earlier today.

Edge: They're doing their best to make me look like Fabio on it. [Laughs] That look on my face is, "Why is the wind blowing on me?" [Laughs]

Marvel.com: Would you liken your impending return to a super hero rising from the grave?

Edge: Yeah! When was out with my neck injury [in 2003] it was more of a question of "Will he come back?" This one was more on my own terms and people don't know when I'll be back or where I'll strike. I like that.

Marvel.com: Who's on your hit list when you get back?

Edge: Undertaker. Batista. Rey Mysterio.

Marvel.com: Final question: will we see a new kind of Edge when you come back?

Edge: I don't know. I don't know if you'd want to at this point, not too different, not too far off, because it was working so well. It's one of those deals where if it's not broke, you don't wanna fix it too much. When it needed revamping, the people told me—well, the people weren't telling me this time. I'll be along the same path as what I was doing, but I'll always get more evil if I can.


Ill Will
11-16-2007, 08:18 PM
Honestly, I'm looking forward more to Edge's return than Y2J's.

Flair Country
11-16-2007, 09:13 PM
Honestly, I'm looking forward more to Edge's return than Y2J's.

Agreed, although I wish Edge was coming back to RAW instead of Smackdown. There are plenty of people on RAW for him to fued with but I'm not sure I would bite on a Taker or Batista fued with Edge.

11-16-2007, 10:45 PM
I just want Edge back! And I also am more excited for Edge than Y2J...

11-17-2007, 06:36 AM
can't wait to see edge...would love to see him on raw feuding with y2j and shawn michaels. that would be a hell of a triple threat match.