View Full Version : *SPOILERS* ECW (20 Nov)

Dangerous Incorporated
11-21-2007, 05:13 AM
http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/2550/ecwgv6.gif (http://imageshack.us)

http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/5554/5886778kd4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

ECW opens with CM Punk making his way to the ring.


The bell rings and the men lock up. Punk twists Kennys arm around and takes him down to the mat, kicking him in the back.

Punk flips Kenny to the mat then hits him with a leg drop. Punk goes for the cover. 1 count.

Punk gets Kenny in a submission hold. Kenny gets to his feet and backs Punk against the ropes then whips Punk across the ring. Punk hits Kenny with an elbow then a backbreaker and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Punk punches Kenney and whips him across the ring but Kenny counters and Punk ends up in the corner. Punk goes after Kenny and Kenny gets out of the GTS and takes Punk down going for the cover. 1 count.

Kenny gets Punk in a submission hold. Punk gets free and gets to his feet but Kenny grabs Punk and gets him into another submission hold.

Punk nails Kenny with a jawbreaker then runs at Kenny but Kenny grabs him and knees him in the stomach, knocking him to the mat and then going for the cover. 2 count.

Kenny gets Punk in another submission hold. Punk struggles to break free and elbows Kenny in the stomach but Kenny refuses to let go.

Punk gets to his feet again and Kenny knees Punk in the head. Kenny sits Punk on the top ropes and punches him.

Kenny climbs the ropes to throw Punk off but Punk tosses Kenny to the mat then dives off the top rope onto Kenny and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Punk uses the ropes and takes Kenny down and goes for another cover. 2 count.

Punk runs at Kenny and ends up on the apron. Punk takes Kenny down with a clothesline and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Punk picks up Kenny and knees him in the chest then throws him into the corner.

Kenny reverses and slams Punk into the ringpost then grabs Punk and rolls him up for the cover. 2 count.

Kenny climbs the ropes but Punk nails Kenny with a dropkick to the ankle. Punk picks up Kenny and hits the GTS and goes for the cover.


They then show flashbacks of Striker in the ring cutting a promo for Big Daddy V against Kane.


10:15 Back from commercial break with Elijah Burke in the ring. He states that hes convinced a close personal friend of his to come to ECW. He introduces Shelton Benjamin.

Shelton makes his way to the ring.


The bell rings and Shelton punches dreamer and takes him down right away and starts punching him. Shelton gets up and kicks Dreamer.

Shelton hits Dreamer with several punches and an elbow drop. Shelton flips Dreamer up into the ropes then goes for the cover. 1 count.

Shelton gets Dreamer in a submission hold. Dreamer gets to his feet and punches Shelton in the stomach.

Shelton whips Dreamer into the ring post then uses the ropes to choke Dreamer.

Shelton takes Dreamer down and goes for the cover. 1 count. Shelton gets Dreamer in a submission hold.

Dreamer fights his way free but Shelton takes him right back down and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Shelton whips Dreamer across the ring and Dreamer starts to punch Shelton then takes Shelton down.

Dreamer goes to whip Shelton across the ring but Shelton counters.

Shelton plants Dreamer and goes for the cover.



10:25 Back from commercial with Deuce and Domino in the ring. We find out that Morrison and Miz are at the announce table.


The bell ring and Jesse starts the match with Deuce and goes for an immediate cover. 1 count.

Jesse takes Deuce down with a standing drop kick then Deuce tags in Domino. Domino runs at Jesse who takes him down.

Domino gets to his feet and gets Jesse in the corner. Jesse slams Domino to the mat and then dives off the top rope but Domino moves.

Domino goes for the cover. 2 count.

Domino tags in Deuce. Deuce works of Jesse and gets him in a submission hold. Jesse gets to his feet and Deuce whips him into the corner then takes him down with a back breaker.

Deuce gets Jesse in another submission hold.

Jesse knees Deuce in the head and gets free. Deuce gets Jessie in a headlock but Jesse breaks free and starts punching.

Deuce takes Jesse down then climbs to the top rope and jumps down but Jesse moves. Jesse tags in Festus.

Festus kicks Deuce in the head and takes him down. Domino gets in the ring and Festus kicks Domino down too.

Festus throws Domino out of the ring. Jesse gets tagged in and Festus throws Jessie on top of Deuce and Jesse goes for the cover.


Backstage Striker is with Big Daddy V.

Striker cuts a promo towards Kane about how much him and Big Daddy V will hurt him in tonights match.


10:38 Back from commercial break with a new version of Kevin Thorn making his way out (looking very much like a creepy Corey Feldman)


Thorn locks up with Nunzio and shoves him down to the mat. Nunzio gets up and starts kicking Thorn.

Thorn slams Nunzio down and punches him.

Thorn picks up Nunzio and slams him to the mat. Thorn went for a flying elbow but missed.

Nunzio runs at Thorn and Thorn just flips him to the mat then picks up Nunzio and holds him over his back like a backbreaker for a while than slams him to the mat.

Thorn picks up Nunzio and slams him into the ringpost. Nunzio gets on Thorns back but Thorn nails him with original sin and goes for the cover.


They then go over what happened between Kelly Kelly and Layla after ECW last week.

Kelly was on her way out when Layla came up behind her and slammed into her. The two have a shoving match and then start slapping each other.

Kelly throws milk on Layla and they go at it a moment before getting broken up.


They then show the Raw Rebound with Y2J�s return.

Big Daddy V makes his way to the ring


10:57 Back from commercial break with the main event.


Striker & V immediately start beating on Kane.

Kane gets V in the corner and starts beating on him, then he turns to Striker and takes him down.

Kane goes back to V. V takes down Kane and jumps on top of him then does an extremely creepy spin on Kanes back.

V lays on top of Kane and starts whacking him in the head. Striker hits Kane in the head with a baseball slide.

Kane struggles to his feet and V slams his head into the ringpost. V runs at Kane and slams into him.

Kane falls to the mat and Striker his Kane (missing him by about 50 feet).

V gets Kane in the corner and works on him. Kane gets whipped into the ropes but Kane ducks and takes down Striker.

Kane his V with an uppercut then climbs to the top rope and dives off landing on V. Kane goes for the cover. 2 count.

Kane takes down Striker and goes for the cover. 2 count and its broken up by V.

Kane goes for a chokeslam on Striker but V interferes and Kane takes V down with a big boot then he turns back to Striker and slams him down and goes for the cover.


Big Daddy V then goes after Kane and takes him down, beating on him. V stands over Kane taunting him.

~Interesting choice of having your Champion open the show in a throw away match. Not a bad match at all, decent performance by both men, but definitely not an opener.

~I like the move of Shelton Benjamin coming to ECW. It could be a good thing, give Shelton a chance to be seen.

~Wowa new version of Kevin Thorn. Thorn 2.0, not what I expected at all, but, it seems to work better for him than the faux vampire garb. Wonder if there will be any form of character change for him as well.

~What a waste of time watching Layla and Kelly Kelly have a food fight. That couldve been a match. I do so miss the days of real Diva matches.

~I know theyre merging both SmackDown and ECW, but come on, this is still ECW, there should be a little more of the ECW roster on the show.