View Full Version : HHH Already Doubting Jericho's Main Event Status

Flair Country
11-25-2007, 01:52 AM
Despite being held on a pedestal, having a highly built return and the power to negotiate himself some great terms, Chris Jericho still has his doubters in the company.

There have always been people in management that feel Y2J is not main event material and don't think his promo style "sells Matches." Thus there was some apprehension in thrusting him straight in to the main event.

Triple H is one person that isn't 100% behind Jericho and has gone as far as to back Jeff Hardy for a push over Y2J. The recent pairing of The Game and Hardy is Hunter's real life respect for Hardy coming through. He sees him as a hard worker who is deserved on Jericho's current spot.

Jericho's performance will be watched like a hawk for the next few months.


The Lost Soul 13
11-25-2007, 03:03 AM
HHH isn't the least biased viewer of Jericho though. I mean any remote fan of the program can see this by his 0 - 20 or so record against Triple H and Triple H helping make the show happen creatively. I mean Orton, Batista, Michaels, Edge I believe once or twice, Jeff Hardy, Flair ( although he deserves to go over wherever and whenever he pleases ), even Shelton Benjamin have went over Triple H, yet Jericho has been buried every time without failure. So my theory is more like Triple H hates Jericho's guts for whatever reason and Jericho probably enjoys Triple H about as much as a root canal himself.

Darth Fozzy
11-25-2007, 04:37 AM
Jericho has 1 win over Triple H, lol, he beat him back in 2002 to face Hogan the next week for the Undisputed Championship on Smackdown.

11-25-2007, 05:32 AM
Hm. I can't blame HHH for thinking that Jeff Hardy deserves a main event push but Jericho IMO is a main eventer. I don't think that Jericho should have been put against Orton as soon as he returned but I'm happy as long as Jericho is back in WWE:)

11-25-2007, 08:21 AM
When I saw the title, I was gonna come defend Y2J. Now though, I am pissed that Trips lost...I want Jeff in the main event scene!

11-25-2007, 08:28 AM
It's great that Hardy has HH's respect, as HHH is one of the best out there at present, but it comes across that he is threatened a little by Jericho's return...

11-25-2007, 02:55 PM
Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho for the WWE title sounds like a good match. Lets hope that it happens soon.

11-25-2007, 06:15 PM
How can HHH be threatened by Y2J? HHH is married to Steph. I also agree with HHH. As I'm glad Jericho is back, He doesn't deserve a title shot at least for another month or so. Jeff Hardy is one of the most popular WWE stars right now and has been working his butt off. So yeah I agree with HHH.

11-26-2007, 12:15 AM
with Hunter behind him Hardy looks like he is gonna have a bright future

11-26-2007, 02:48 AM
I don't get why HHH would be threatened by Jericho's return. Is there some past history I'm unfamiliar with that has poisoned the personal & professional relationship?

jack's raging fury
11-26-2007, 04:19 AM
if Jericho wasn't a main eventer he would've never been the 1st Undisputed champion. Yes he lost it to HHH but if he wasn't on that leval he never would've beaten Austin nor The Rock, who I thought was gonna be the winner. Jericho might not need the title match right off the bad but by Wrestlemania Jericho should be Champ.

11-26-2007, 05:29 AM
I think that Jericho is a main eventer, much like alot of people on here. I also think that its a little too soon shoving him into the title scene.

Jericho should be around the title most of his time on Raw, he is too big of a star to not be. I will always see him in the title mix alongside HBK, HHH, Orton and Hardy. Jeff Hardy deserves a chance more so right now than Jericho....matter of fact, I would love to see Jericho beat Orton for the belt then have Hardy fued with Jericho over the title.