View Full Version : Roberts rants about paparazzi `paedophiles'

12-01-2007, 10:16 PM
LATEST: JULIA ROBERTS has gone public with her crusade to sweep the paparazzi off the street outside Los Angeles schools and churches as part of a TV rant.

The Pretty Woman star recently chased a photographer she spotted taking pictures outside a school and insisted he stop shooting innocent kids.

And now, just a week after pal George Clooney lashed out at snappers who drove recklessly in an effort to get shots of stars, Roberts addressed Los Angeles' lawmakers on U.S. TV news show Access Hollywood.

She raged, "I think there needs to be some kind of line drawn in the sand... I don't think the magazines (and) the newspapers should show celebrities' children.

"If you wanna take a picture of a person, then go to an adult place, go to the coffee shop, go to the grocery store, go to the restaurant; don't stake out someone's children's church, school or playground environment."

Roberts would like U.S. authorities to copy laws in place in parts of Europe, where photographs of children are not allowed to be printed in magazines and newspapers.
And she admits she felt completely justified in giving the snapper she spotted outside a Los Angeles school a hard time.

She adds, "I just told him that a school is not a place for a grown man to be crawling around trying to take pictures. (I said) he's looking like a paedophile, so somebody's gonna call the police on him and land him in jail."
