View Full Version : need some female opinions

12-10-2007, 11:09 PM
Recently i have been feeling unconfident with myself as I seem to be going unnoticed by every girl i come in contact with. THey never seem to want anything to do with me for no reason apparent to me.

SO i am starting to think that i am unappealing


theres a picture of me from this summer I am the one in the middle can somebody tell me what is so bad about me?

12-10-2007, 11:15 PM
i know things have been well, rough... between us lately.. but i think you're cute Mike! You actually look a little like my brother when he was younger.

There's nothing wrong with you, there's something wrong with the girls around you.

And thats the honest truth.


Lady DeathStrike
12-11-2007, 12:44 AM
Ive said this before SOOOOOOOOOO many times....

You want a woman... be confidant...

If you cant find anyone... well then its something wrong woth the girls around you...

you got a cute face and nice eyes....

To hell with anyone that makes you feel bad

Hymen Breaker
12-14-2007, 07:38 AM
Start looking for men.

12-14-2007, 07:57 AM
You wanted a female opinion but you're gonna get a male one 2 whether you like it or not lol

Dude, I know how you feel. Honestly I do. You just have no idea of what kind of person I was about three months ago. I left UoW around then. But I recently came back. But during the time I was gone, alot of things changed. Something about me and my personality just completely changed. Speaking from a religious standpoint, God has completely transformed my life in three months. I know the topic on hand is about you are saying you're maybe not appealing but honestly man....does it really matter how you look? Sure if you're trying to be a model, and we all know neither me or you are trying to do that. I've learned that some girls, not all, doesn't look at you...they look at YOU. They look at who you are on the inside. They look at who you are and that is yourself. I don't know how many times I've heard people tell me "Luke, you just gotta be yourself" Be yourself. You will hear that a million times. I promise that because its happened in the last 6 years. Dude God will send the right one for you when the time is right. I know beyond a shadow of doubt it is so hard to think of when is the right one coming, and Im tired of waiting...sometimes you might even beg God to please send her. And even though you might be a devout christian, you probably still go to God when you're at your lowest point. Dude there aren't words to express of how much joy I feel right now. Im getting married for Heaven's sake! Do you know how long I have prayed for the right girl? Do you know how many times Ive had conversations just like this one about why can't I get a girlfriend or am i too ugly? It is all about being who you are and who you are in Christ. You do have to be confident that God will send you the RIGHT girl at the RIGHT time in the RIGHT place. Trust me and Trust GOD for HE is the only one who has shown me in personal expierence that if put your complete trust in HIM the RIGHT GIRL will come. And please don't forget, do not ever ever ever pray for patience.....i think you can figure out why.

If you want to talk to me about in private you know where to catch me.

12-14-2007, 09:44 PM
well thanks for all your opinions (except WPT's lol ) I've been alot more confident lately and have been getting more attention from girls out of nowhere ever since i posted this lol so thank you

12-15-2007, 01:21 AM
Start looking for men.


12-15-2007, 10:35 PM
they have prostitutes for a reason.

12-16-2007, 12:44 AM
they have prostitutes for a reason.

You could have tried to be a bit helpful...:no:

Hymen Breaker
12-17-2007, 04:27 AM
they have prostitutes for a reason.

Is your mom still in the business?

12-17-2007, 04:52 AM
You're cute but I don't know what sort of personality you have... Its not just all about looks.

Lady DeathStrike
12-17-2007, 04:39 PM
This thread seems to be full of idiots :shifty:

01-10-2008, 04:18 PM
Recently i have been feeling unconfident with myself as I seem to be going unnoticed by every girl i come in contact with. THey never seem to want anything to do with me for no reason apparent to me.

SO i am starting to think that i am unappealing


theres a picture of me from this summer I am the one in the middle can somebody tell me what is so bad about me?

Looks aren't everything and I think that is your problem. You seem to think that looks alone will attract a female and that only applies to the shallow girls.

Forget your looks and work on other things. For example, are you fun? Outgoing? Can you walk into a room and make yourself noticed? Be the life of a party? Are you boring? These are things you need to work on. Looks can help but personality and you as a whole are what will get people to notice you. If you're one of those shy, quiet guys who stands in a corner all night at a party, chances are, no one will care that you're there. They'll be going for the guys who are all out there and fun.

If you think women aren't noticing you, change that and do something to get noticed.

Black Widow
01-10-2008, 09:43 PM
If you're one of those shy, quiet guys who stands in a corner all night at a party, chances are, no one will care that you're there.


im one of those (the loner) but im fun though :shifty:

i hate partys