View Full Version : Batista Disses Khali, Comments on McMahon and TNA Talent

Black Widow
12-13-2007, 05:36 PM
Source: PWInsider.com

-- The Sun website now has an audio interview up with World Heavyweight Champion Batista. Some interesting notes came out of the interview including that it made him sick when the Great Khali was able to hold the World Title. He says that McMahon is a regular guy, but if you piss him off he becomes very intimidating.

He also says that he would like to take MVP under his wing. He would also like to see Low Ki, Christian, Booker T, and Samoa Joe all in the WWE. He says he has no clue why Booker ended up leaving.

He also speaks on a present that Undertaker gave him during their Hell in a Cell match, where Undertaker let him kick out of the tombstone. It was also mentioned that the winner of the Royal Rumble next month will receive a shot at their brand title instead of choosing what title they wanted to go after like last year.

12-13-2007, 06:07 PM
Hmm. THat's interesting that the Royal Rumble winner will go after the brand champion and not any champion like last year...:think:

12-13-2007, 09:14 PM
batista is an idiot he says khali doesnt deserve to hold the title like he does

Ill Will
12-13-2007, 09:14 PM
He also says that he would like to take MVP under his wing.Translation:

Batista sees the potential in MVP, but doesn't want to be out-shined (because he knows he will be), so he's claiming that he will take MVP "under his wing" solely for future gratitude.

He says he has no clue why Booker ended up leaving.
Really? He has "no clue"? Well, the rest of the IWC knows it was because Booker would have been suspended after being on the list of Signature Pharmacy customers, and because WWE chose FCW over PWA (Booker's promotion) as its new developmental territory. Batista is either lying or is stupid. If Batista honestly has "no clue" why Booker left, he has seriously been kept out of the loop.

Black Widow
12-13-2007, 10:49 PM
Batista is either lying or is stupid.

hes stupid.. hes too stupid to lie

~Burning Hitman~
12-13-2007, 11:34 PM
lol love the posts above :)