View Full Version : WWE Sends Star To Rehab, Stephanie Lashes Out, More

Black Widow
12-13-2007, 05:47 PM
Sources: F4Wonline.com, LegendsChampionshipWrestling.com

- Two days ago, wrestling legend Jake "The Snake" Roberts was placed in a nine-week rehab program by World Wrestling Entertainment. It appears Roberts was the first former WWE superstar to take the company up on their offer of paying for rehab for past talents.

Roberts has had a history of substance abuse and it comes to no surprise that he has entered into rehab. Roberts was last seen in a WWE ring before WrestleMania in 2005, confronting Randy Orton. The former WWE superstar also had a brief stint with TNA in 2006, that included a drunken promo on TNA iMPACT.

- Sources say Stephanie McMahon lashed out at Dave Kapoor, who plays Ranjin Singh, the translator for The Great Khali following the RAW Anniversary show on Monday. Apparently Stephanie felt Kapoor was having too much fun at the end of RAW when everyone basically broke kayfabe and celebrated in the ring at the end of the show. Kapoor was shown on TV quite a few times smiling and having a good time, no different than anyone else.

After the show, Stephanie called over Kapoor, who also works on the WWE creative team, and told him his behavior was highly unprofessional. Stephanie also intimated that if he didn't take "the job of a lifetime" serious, then he could be let go from the company. Stephanie also believes that someone on the creative team shouldn't be an on-screen character. Stephanie also mentioned how she had went to bat for him in the past in certain situations, and that he better not screw it up.

12-13-2007, 06:03 PM
^ Why would she complain about a minor guy like him breaking kayfabe when it had loads of other superstars doing the same?:think:

That Rob
12-13-2007, 07:27 PM
It might have been that time of the month for her...

But yeah it was supposed to be a celebration, everybody having a good time, joking around, 15 years on TV is no easy feat so who really cares if he's smiling I think I seen Khali smiling. And if she wanted to yell at somebody for breaking character why not yell at Beth Pheonix? If I remember correct she helped Mea Young to the ring, she's supposed to be this scary girl all the divas are afraid of and she goes and does that??? Come on Steph let it go, there was so many people you could have yelled at, it will be funny to see how this all turns out though.

And rehab won't do anything for Roberts, he'll be dead in a year...mark my word.

Ill Will
12-13-2007, 08:57 PM
Roberts was the first former WWE superstar to take the company up on their offer of paying for rehab for past talents.Why am I not at all surprised?

Stephanie is either racist or really stupid. Obviously, kayfabe was broken several times Monday, with the biggest one being HHH's "see you at home" remark and the whole segment leading up to the kiss, which was probably Steph's idea. Seems very hypocritical for her to be scolding Singh for smiling when having HHH say and do what he did destroys years of kayfabe and some of WWE most memorable storylines involving HHH, Vince, and herself (even though her relationship and marriage to HHH has been common knowledge for quite some time). Shame on you Stephanie.

12-14-2007, 03:17 AM
I'm thinking maybe Steph just reacted because he was having way to much fun that maybe he was just acting it. It was reported sometime ago that Ranjin Singh wanted to leave and do the WWE anymore. Or maybe Steph is weeding out the people she don't like.