View Full Version : 17 Year Old Kid Kills Another With Wrestling Move

Dangerous Incorporated
12-19-2007, 01:53 PM
The Indiana Times is reporting that a 17 year old kid killed another boy of the same age with an elbow shot to the throat. The article calls it "true WWE style,' as the boy was a fan of wrestling on TV.

He left the victim in a toilet for five days, helping the boy's father file a missing person complaint with the police to cover up the killing.

Source: WT

Black Widow
12-19-2007, 01:58 PM
"true WWE style,' fuck off "true TNA style,' cant always blame WWE for it all the time

12-19-2007, 02:36 PM
They don't need to be blaming any wrestling promotion. How about people start taking some responsibility for there own actions. The media is always trying to look for something to blame it on. It should read some Idiot killed Another Person.

Flair Country
12-19-2007, 02:58 PM
Just because he's a fan of WWE doesn't make them responsible for another person's death. It's the same thing that happend a few years back when some kid set his house on fire because he watched Beavis & Butthead. Maybe people should blame the parents when all of this stuff happens??

Lady DeathStrike
12-19-2007, 03:00 PM
Its always someone elses fault... Wrestling. 50Cent. Marilyn Manson.... me :shifty:


12-19-2007, 03:06 PM
I fail to see how an elbow blow to the throat constitutes a wresting move. If it had been a piledriver or some shit like that, then fair enough.

12-19-2007, 09:50 PM
"True WWE Style" is such a STUPID statement. WWE didn't tell the kid "use this move to beat people up", it was that idiot's fault and choice to use that move to that kid.

12-20-2007, 03:02 AM
Last time I checked a elbow drop consisted of the elbow landing on the chest and and stomach area's. I've never seen one done to the neck area.

12-20-2007, 03:26 AM
if you dont know how to do it you should not do it

12-20-2007, 03:45 AM
an elbow to the throat more like street fighting thing than a wrestling. People need to stop blaming wrestling

The Lost Soul 13
12-20-2007, 04:39 AM
At 17 years old it is either of two things, neither of which are remotely close to wrestling or UFC or any other form of fighting. Firstly, this teenager could very well have had mental problems as far as absorbing information, aka they were mentally challenged, thus they should have been monitored a great deal more closely. Secondly, this could have been a very angry teen in which case an elbow to the throat is just a coincidence rather than a straight punch or a kick or anything else.

That Rob
12-20-2007, 05:03 AM
It isn't WWe's fault as they do have videos that say "Please don't try this at home..." I guess thats reverse scicology to say do this at home. Seriously stop blamming the WWE. the kid is 17 take some damn responsibility. It's like the Columbine shooting when everybody blamed Marilyn Manson form them doing it. Again how was that his fault?

Ill Will
12-20-2007, 06:55 AM
1. I haven't read the full article (probably would have been a good idea to provide a link), so I can't say this with a great deal of confidence, but the article wasn't necessarily blaming WWE. Labeling the elbow shot as "true WWE style" could have been just a way to describe it. Yes, an elbow drop is supposed to be on the chest--but this one obviously wasn't done correctly. I don't remember an elbow drop being a fatal move. Furthermore, the fact that he was a wrestling fan was clearly stated.

2. If my above assumption is wrong, I can almost guarantee you this article came from a newspaper with a generally conservative editorial viewpoint. It is conveniently obvious to us internet wrestling fans that WWE, TNA, or the pro wrestling industry is NOT to blame for this event. It is the stupidity of this individual (seriously, by the age of 17, he should know better) and the parents who are to blame. Someone this brainless should have been chained up or locked in a closet or something.

3. I think people are missing the biggest part of the story:

He left the victim in a toilet for five days, helping the boy's father file a missing person complaint with the police to cover up the killing.
That's just fucking sick. This person is human scum.

Big Evil
12-20-2007, 07:07 AM
It really doesn't matter whether it constitutes an elbow drop or not, the point is the kid was killed when another landed on his throat. We all know that this will probably be blamed on the WWE or pro wrestling in general in some fashion, as it already has started. Bottom line here is that the parents need to take action and stop blaming others for their own incompetence. It's not up to everybody else to censor and govern what is available to kids, it's up to the people that brought them into this world.

Vick Diesel
12-20-2007, 07:15 AM
You know I have to wonder if this was a pre-meditated murder,..the reason why I say this is because he left the kid in a toilet for five days, and then the 17 yr.old and the boys father covered it up by filing a missing persons report,...if this were truly an accident,..people don't try to cover up their accidents, they surely don't leave someone whose dead in a toilet or anyplace else for that matter, and they would notify the authorities,...on top of that this means that the boys father knew about it as well, and he should be held responisble for this act just as much as the 17 yr.old,..I have a feelin that both boys were fightin over someone or something, and had a rivalry, and this unfortunate accident happened!

All I know is that the 17 yr.old and the boys father both need to tell the truth, and face their punishments,..that's the bottom line!!!

Ill Will
12-20-2007, 08:48 AM
You know I have to wonder if this was a pre-meditated murder,..the reason why I say this is because he left the kid in a toilet for five days, and then the 17 yr.old and the boys father covered it up by filing a missing persons report,...if this were truly an accident,..people don't try to cover up their accidents, they surely don't leave someone whose dead in a toilet or anyplace else for that matter, and they would notify the authorities,...on top of that this means that the boys father knew about it as well, and he should be held responisble for this act just as much as the 17 yr.old,..I have a feelin that both boys were fightin over someone or something, and had a rivalry, and this unfortunate accident happened!

All I know is that the 17 yr.old and the boys father both need to tell the truth, and face their punishments,..that's the bottom line!!!I think you misunderstood the article. The "boy's father" mentioned is the father of the dead kid. The one who killed him apparently went to his (dead kid's) dad and helped him file a report after his son went "missing".

While what he does makes him a liar and a coward, it doesn't necessarily imply intent or pre-meditation. If I, or any other sane person, accidentally kills someone, we wouldn't try to cover it up, even if that meant facing manslaughter or 2nd degree murder charges. This kid obviously was not mentally sound (The fact that he accidentally killed with an elbow drop will support that notion). His reaction to accidentally killing his friend was to cover it up so he wouldn't get in trouble. It obviously wasn't the smart thing to do, nor was it morally or ethically right, but it does make sense.

EDIT - OK, I finally found the article. There was a huge misprint in The Wrestling Truth's report. It is from the India Times, not the Indiana Times. This happened in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The story is actually more sickening than I first thought. Here's the full article; it should clear some things up:


In Ahmedabad in Gujarat state of India a 17-year-old boy duped and abducted his friend so that he could demand Rs 5 lakh ransom. In the end, he choked Lokesh Dadwani (17) to death by shoving his elbow in his throat — in true WWE style.

A 17-year-old boy duped and abducted his friend in Ahmedabad so that he could demand Rs 5 lakh ransom. In the end, he choked Lokesh Dadwani (17) to death by shoving his elbow in his throat — in true WWE style.

The boy, who was arrested on Tuesday, told police that he and Lokesh had plotted the kidnapping to get the money from his father. "He is an avid fan of the wrestling shown on TV," said a police officer. Police, however, said Lokesh's family didn't get any ransom call.

Police said the boy convinced Lokesh that both of them could make quick money through this plot. On December 5, the two met near a fruit market in Naroda and went to a godown in the Indian Food Industry building at Sarangpur. The boy had access to this building as he used to work for a textile unit which had a godown on the third floor.

Lokesh panicked when his friend began tying him up inside a toilet. "Lokesh started struggling, finding the knots too tight and also noticing a change in his friend's behaviour," said an investigator. Lokesh was quickly overpowered and killed "in WWE style", the officer said, adding he had confessed to learning it from a TV show.

"The body lay there for five days until other employees opened the toilet and called in the police on Monday," the officer said.

The boy acted normally after the murder and even helped Lokesh's father lodge a missing complaint with the police. Later when a godown key was recovered from his shirt pocket by his mother, he was driven by guilt to tell her everything, police said.

The boy was arrested on Tuesday morning. "During primary investigation, the boy said he wanted to get Rs 5 lakh as ransom from the victim's father and also claimed that Lokesh initially supported the plan so that they could share the money. But we have yet to ascertain the truth in his story," said B V Kundaliya, inspector of Khadia police station.

the madscotsman
12-20-2007, 05:23 PM
How is an elbow to the throat a wrestling move? It's a fuckin martial arts move.