View Full Version : *SPOILERS* SD! (Virginia)(Air Date: 25 Jan)

Dangerous Incorporated
01-23-2008, 08:10 AM
Source: F4WOnline

Well I just got home from the John Paul Jones arena. You can forget about them running there for a few more years; they sold out barely half the arena. Most of it was tarped off and it was a sad sad site. All the seats behind the announcers desk were not anywhere near sold out either.

Anywho, Smackdown was not very good. Such an average show with some bad wrestling.

It kicked off with Rey vs. The Edgeheads. They had a fun short match with a crappy finish. One of the Edgeheads runs in with a chair for the DQ. Didn't even swing. Rey jumped off the middle rope drop kicking the chair into Edgehead A's face. So the Smackdown before the Rumble the babyface in the World title match couldn't beat two heels.

Then we had Domino vs. Jimmy Wang Yang. Yang is SO DAMN GOOD. You don't even realize how fantastic he is till you watch him live. Match was average; Domino was an anchor holding down Yang who was busting his ass off. Deuce and Cherry attempted to interfere, but Moore put an end to that nonsense. Yang wins with a moonsault off the top rope.

A backstage skit with Palumbo and Noble yelling aired. Then McCool came asking if they were ready, and they all left.

Six Person tag: Noble, Palumbo, and McCool vs. Miz, Morrison, Layla. Match went on for a bit until Palumbo and Noble went face to face in the ring. Palumbo pushed Noble into the ropes causing McCool to fall down. She was put onto an EMT board. Palumbo then made a HEEL TURN~! by beating down Noble on the outside. Eventually McCool got off the board, and Palumbo accidentally knocked her down while she attempted to pull Palumbo off of Noble. This was long, boring, and had no heat. Some people booed for Palumbo at the end and politely clapped for Noble as he was helped, but that's about it.

MVP and Flair had another fantastic segment. It was both of them saying they were gonna win, and I can't do this justice. Watch it. It's the only thing worth watching.

Khali and Finlay had the Belfast Brawl, Horny and Ranjin were ringside. I have no idea what happened, cuz they did some stuff, then Finlay just waylayed Khali on the outside. Then Finlay and Horny walked away...and Horny's music played. No explanation. Soooooooo yeah. Then McMahon had a promo with Horny, which was fine.

Batista cut a short but sweet promo saying he was winning the Rumble. As if.

Big Daddy Boobs and Taker had a wretched match. Taker's entrance is really, really cool. Nothing really more to say, except Taker won and Mark Henry helped V out at the end. TEAM FAT!

Main Event was Punk vs. Edge, in which Edge won with a spear. Edgeheads were outside and Rey did commentary. Edgeheads got involved at points, and the match overall was pretty good. Best of the show.

The dark main event was Edge and The Edgeheads vs. Punk, Rey, and Batista. A very fun six man in which Rey won with a frog splash on one of the Edgeheads. The babyfaces celebrated in the ring forever.

So all in all, it was fun being there live and all, but I can't imagine it being any good on TV.

Bad Boy
01-23-2008, 08:37 AM
sounds bad... lol... well, all SD shows sound bad... no mention of new sets?

01-25-2008, 06:11 AM
so ray can't win but the put edge over punk thats "not" setting up for a bull rumble match at all