View Full Version : KRISTAL MARSHALL: WWE wanted to degrade me

Black Widow
01-24-2008, 03:13 PM
KRISTAL MARSHALL has blasted the WWE following her sacking.

The Diva was appalled when asked to form a new ‘sexed-up’ duo with Edge, similar to the previous partnership the former world champion had with Lita.

During that time Edge and Lita had ‘live sex’ on Raw and fans were encouraged to shout ‘slut’ at her.

Writing on her MySpace page, Kristal said: “The reason why I was released was because I did not want to do a morally degrading storyline.

“Plain and simple.

“Lita was in my opinion the greatest female wrestler of all time, next to Jazz.

“Lita revolutionized the world of wrestling. She showed that women could be strong, beautiful and be a draw in a sexist world.

“She had little girls watching her wanting to become an athlete instead of a princess when they grew up. She was also one of the few women who wrestled men.

“With blood, sweat, tears and a broken neck later, she earned the respect of everyone in the wrestling business.

“So the WWE had the bright idea of turning her personal business into a public free for all. Sure that ‘storyline’ transformed a well-loved babyface into a huge heel, but at whose expense?

“Look at how Trish retired now look at how Lita retired.

“On the day of Lita's retirement, the fans didn't just boo her because she had heat.

“They booed her because despite all that she contributed to women's wrestling, all that they seemed to remember about her was the ‘slutty’ vamp she played on TV.

“I am nowhere as accomplished as she was, so imagine what that type of role would have done to me.

“I have seen a lot of people sell their souls to this business for whatever reason, but I stand strong to what I believe in.”

The decision to let Kristal go last month was even more surprising given that she was part of a high-profile angle with Teddy Long.

In the TV storylines he had a heart attack at their wedding ceremony, brought on by him taking Viagra to make the night special.

But before it could come out that Kristal and pal Vickie Guerrero planned it all along, the Diva was fired and never spoken of again.

Rumours swirled that she was difficult to work with and that both Long and Guerrero had complained about her.

But Kristal hit back and claimed: “I feel like now that I am not in the WWE there is a lot of bulls**t talk of me being a difficult person or having a huge ego.

“Believe what you want — but that is not the case.”

01-24-2008, 10:58 PM
Nice read, thanks.

01-26-2008, 12:27 AM
we'll never know the truth

01-28-2008, 02:11 AM
thankss for the read.I tend to believe whay she is saying.