View Full Version : Two New WWE Policies Revealed - Get The Details Inside

Bad Boy
01-30-2008, 05:35 AM
WWE has created two new policies that are intended to protect their product but may be turning fans away and eating into company profits.

At last weekend's Royal Rumble PPV, the company adopted a new policy that any fans caught taking photos or video with their cell phones at WWE events will be ejected from the building. WWE has had its staff specifically instruct building employees to be on the lookout for people using their cell phones during the events. According to live reports, many fans were were confronted at the PPV and threatened with ejection. Strangely enough, digital and film cameras are still allowed.

WWE's Pay-Per-View buyrates have been going downhill for months. A contributing factor to this trend is that the company has made it nearly impossible for sports bars to show their PPV events. WWE instructed cable and satellite providers to charge sports bars by the square foot if they want to carry WWE PPVs. As a result, the cost for these establishments to carry WWE PPVs has skyrocketed to over $5,000. By comparison, those same sports bars pay less than $1,000 to carry UFC PPVs.

Credit: Wrestlezone

Big Evil
01-30-2008, 07:04 AM
Fine, let WWE hurt themselves by being greedy. Don't they realize that having lower prices would increase the overall buyers? Charging more will only lose customers. If you ask me, they need to focus less on restricting, and more on enticing the fans and customers. As far as cell phones go, if your going to allow cameras, why not picture phones as well? They both do the same thing! Regardless, the very pictures they may try to take will just end up on the internet or wherever anyways, even by their own broadcast. All of this is pointless, all they are doing is hurting their own revenue in the end.

Ill Will
01-30-2008, 10:23 AM
How the hell is WWE going to even attempt to enforce the cell phone policy? How exactly are they going to monitor 12000 people at once? How are they going to immediately be able to tell if someone is using their phone to record a match, or if they're just texting? Furthermore, how are they going to prove that any pictures/video was actually taken? They can't just take people's phones. This sounds like an extremely ridiculous rule to me.

Sounds like a Vince idea. I think he's going senile.

01-30-2008, 10:29 PM
looks like they are just hurting themselves two bad policies

01-31-2008, 02:29 AM
Those two sound like crap, what if the only camera you have available at the moment is a phone camera!?

Ill Will
01-31-2008, 05:32 AM
Those two sound like crap, what if the only camera you have available at the moment is a phone camera!?Then you're screwed...

01-31-2008, 06:25 AM
Basic economics: As the price goes up, the quantity demanded goes down. It's the law of demand...I mean, come on, if they just lower the PPV price to $20 bucks, how many more people would buy them? I'd be willing to shell out 20 bucks for a PPV...but not 40.

Ill Will
01-31-2008, 07:07 PM
Basic economics: As the price goes up, the quantity demanded goes down. It's the law of demandObviously, the demand curve for WWE PPVs is largely inelastic (meaning a lot of people will still buy if the prices rise), so WWE sees it as potentially beneficial to their profit to raise the prices.