View Full Version : Full WWE RAW *Spoilers* For Next Week (2/11)

Bad Boy
02-05-2008, 11:25 AM
WWE RAW (Air Date - 2/11):

RAW opens with Hornswoggle coming to the ring. They are doing Mr. McMahon vs. Hornswoggle first. Finlay comes out to ringside.

Hornswoggle defeats Mr. McMahon via pinfall.
McMahon calls Finlay a coward which prompts Finlay to hit him with the Shillelagh. Hornswoggle nails a tadpole splash off of the top rope onto McMahon, he gets the pinfall.

After the match, they show a backstage segment between Mr. McMahon and William Regal. McMahon tells Regal to get some dismissal papers ready as he is going to fire Finlay for interfering.

Chris Jericho defeated JBL via pinfall.
Jericho hit his Code Breaker finisher and got the win clean.

After the match, Umaga comes out and gives them both a Samoan Spike.

They show another backstage segment with Mr. McMahon and William Regal. McMahon says that he has decided against firing Finlay. Instead, he is going to wrestle Hornswoggle in cage on next week's edition of RAW. Note: This will be the RAW after No Way Out.

Before the next match, the incest angle debuts on television between Katie Lea and Paul Burchill. Burchill basically says that whatever Katie wants, Katie gets.

Paul Burchill defeated Brian Kendrick via pinfall.
Burchill wins with what was thought to be his finisher. According to our correspondent Danny, it looked like an inverted swinging neckbreaker.

WWE Champion Randy Orton comes out next in street clothes to watch John Cena vs. Mark Henry which is up next.

John Cena defeats Mark Henry.

After the match, John Cena lashes out at WWE Champion Randy Orton who is sitting with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at the announcer's table. Cena tells Orton that he is 100% healthy.

Mr. Kennedy comes out to ringside wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Flair comes out later in the segment wearing a tuxedo. Flair tells Kennedy that he will not forfeit their upcoming match at No Way Out. The segment ends with Kennedy kicking Flair in the knee in which Flair sells. According to our correspondent, it looks like a place where a commercial break will be inserted.

The next match is a singles match between Melina and Maria. Melina is accompanied to the ring by Jillian Hall while Santino Marella is with Maria.

Melina defeated Maria via pinfall.
Jillian Hall kissed Santino, distracting Maria. While Maria was not paying attention, Melina rolled her up for the three count.

After the match Santino gets on the mic and tells Maria that she must choose - it's either Playboy or Santino. He says she has one week decide and gives her a kiss.

Jeff Hardy defeated Shawn Michaels via pinfall.
This match was given a lot of time. I don't have the exact length but it was long. Lots of near falls as Michaels hit his elbow drop kick twice. Both attempted finishers (Sweet Chin Music & Twist of Fate respectively) but missed. Michaels locked an inverted Figure Four on Hardy but he got to the ropes. Eventually Hardy is able to hit Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb on Michaels. Hardy was able to get the three count in what I am told was a very good match.

Credit - WrestlingNewsWorld.com

02-05-2008, 04:20 PM
nice to see hardy get one over on HBK

Black Widow
02-05-2008, 05:43 PM
jeff over hbk what a fucking joke

02-05-2008, 07:58 PM
It will be intrestign to see how many people are pissed off at hardy for his win. and compare that to the same people pissed off because of cena. the funy thing is these people are happy that orton gets the same victories.

02-05-2008, 09:09 PM
Thanks for this, glad Melina wins:)

Black Widow
02-05-2008, 10:26 PM
jeff hardy does not deserve to be getting pushed into main eventing

02-07-2008, 02:45 PM
Poor Maria...Decisions,decisions:lmao:

oh yeah,and who the fuck is Katie Lea,and Paul Burchill?

02-08-2008, 09:51 PM
Hope maria drops santino

the madscotsman
02-11-2008, 04:35 PM
Poor Maria...Decisions,decisions:lmao:

oh yeah,and who the fuck is Katie Lea,and Paul Burchill?

Katie lea is alot like those untalented hot american girls. except she's hot and talented and walk upright withought fucking it up and making an arse of herself. Although she is English, a well no-ones perfect. (except me )