View Full Version : Manhunt after Vicious Rapist Strikes in Tallaght

Black Widow
02-05-2008, 06:17 PM
A 17 year old Dublin teenager was viciously attacked from behind and dragged into bushes before being raped by her attacker. The attack occurred at the Square Shopping complex at Tallaght County Dublin just minutes after the teenager became separated from her friends after being denied entry into a local nightclub, because she had no identification and that situation left her searching for a taxi home.

The teenager has been left traumatised and physically sickened by the assault which occurs during the early hours of last Sunday morning.
The attacker dragged the girl through bushes resulting in her being scratched and cut. (The attacker must also have been cut and scratched during this attack in Tallaght).
This method of attack is similar to the attacks carried out in Athlone Town. County Westmeath on four women.
The Attacker in Athlone also grabbed his victims from behind and dragged them through bushes - some of his victims were thrown across a 4-foot high wall after being dragged across a busy road at the Bonavalley railway bridge in the town.

Also during the summer a similar attack occurred in Devon in England when a young woman out horse-riding on a beach was attacked and dragged from her mount, but the girl fought off her attacker, who escaped and it was later discovered that the attacker seemed to be sleeping rough in a car in the locality before the attack on the young woman.

In the case of the Athlone rapist, the attacker was described as tall and possibly of Eastern European origin.

The description given for the Tallaght rapist is tall, white, (mature) perhaps in his 30’s and apart from scratches on his hands and arms he may have scratches on his neck left as his victim tried to escape from him. The young victim said today that she will “never forget the smell of the man” who grabbed her from behind, putting his hand over her mouth before dragging her to the ground.

Information please to Tallaght Gardai or any Garda station.


02-05-2008, 07:29 PM
That sounds terrible, wish I could help...

02-05-2008, 08:42 PM
You posting threads about yourself again dude?

Bad Boy
02-05-2008, 08:44 PM
lmao... well, if a man was raped, then it would be Ryan related :P j/k... but honestly, this is a horrible thing...