View Full Version : Torrie Answers Your Questions!

Black Widow
02-11-2008, 01:44 PM
1. Chloe stopped making appearances with you in 2007, why was that and is there any chance of a comeback?

Chloe still travels with me often, but she had a mini seizure after going out to the ring with me one time and I was not about to risk her health again. She hasn’t had any seizure’s since and I am afraid to chance it!

2. Which do you enjoy playing more, a heel or face?

Well, when I am a face, I feel as though that’s pretty much just me out there. Being a heel is a little more fun because there is more to do…..and it’s just so much fun to play a brat and not get in trouble for it! I feel like when I am a heel I get to secretly make fun of a lot of snotty people that I don’t particularly like much….and they probably don’t even get it!

3. You’ve worked with some of the top Divas in sports entertainment, do you have any standout matches or feuds that you’re particularly proud of?

I have definately had my best matches with Victoria. What I love about her is that not only is she great in the ring, but she isn’t so arrogant about her abilities that she wants to try to make me look bad. It still amazes me that people sometimes think that they are going to get “over” more by trying to make it look like someone doesn’t know what they are doing. Some of my most memorable matches are those with another good friend, Stacy Keibler. No, we didn’t have very technical matches but they sure were fun. We pretty much had no idea what we were doing most of the time, but for some odd reason our matches were always highly watched. I still watch some of those old matches and laugh uncontrollably at how awkward we looked in the ring.

4. How do you juggle running “Jaded” and your WWE commitments, it must be difficult?

I must say that it has been extremely stressful, but I love both, so I am willing to deal with the stress. My store is something that I have always wanted to do, and we all know that a wrestling career isn’t something that will last forever! I am just taking all the opportunities I can while I am able to.

5. Would you ever consider writing an autobiography?

I don’t know….I am super forgetful in the first place so it might take me a REALLY long time to go back and try to remember all of my better experiences. Some of my experiences are probably better off not told to begin with!

6. You have a column with WWE Champion, Randy Orton in WWE Magazine called “Ask Torrie & Randy” how did that come about? How does it work, do you guys get together to pick and answer the questions?

I am called by the magazine every month and they speak with both Randy and I on the phone. Some of his answers are seriously questionable I must say!

7. If you were stuck on a desert island, which 5 Superstars and/or Divas would you want to be stranded with and why?

1. Michelle McCool- She is just a really good friend and would keep me calm
2. Victoria-She is a one woman show and then I would be OK without a t.v.
3. Carlito- He’s just stupid and I could laugh at him all day long.
4. Undertaker- He could go kill all of the animals and cook them for us.
5. Candice Michelle-I just love her, so she needs to be there too.

8. You’ve been on both RAW and SmackDown!, do you have a preference between the two brands?

They are both fun… there is nothing like the rush of live television though! You have the possiblity of really screwing up on live t.v.

9. You’re good friends with both Stacy Keibler and Gail Kim, both of whom have had success outside of WWE (much like yourself with Jaded) - Stacy with Dancing With the Stars and Gail as TNA Knockout Champion - what are your thoughts on their successes? Do you get together and ask each other for advice on projects, at all?

I am extremely proud of both Stacy and Gail. When we get together we are all about having fun. Of course, friends ask for advice on certain things, but for the most part we just share what is going on in our lives.

10. What was it like filming a fake funeral for your father, Al?

One word: WEIRD. I hope I don’t have to go through that again any time soon.

11. I’m sure many of your male fans want to know, could we see Torrie Wilson make it a hat-trick and pose for Playboy for a third time?

I would love to work with Playboy again, I have nothing but good things to say about both of my experiences. I guess, it would depend on lots of different variables….but it’s not something I have thought much about.

12. Unfortunately, you’ve never had a run as Women’s Champion (and we say this over and over at the site), despite being one of the most popular Divas in recent history. As fans, we find it frustrating - do you?

It has been frustrating. I have put my heart and soul into becoming a better wrestler, but also realize that if management doesn’t see me as “women’s champion” that’s just fine by me also. My fans will support me whether I have a piece of gold around my waist or not. I know that I have a lot more to offer than I may have been given the chance to show, but life goes on. Unfortunately, I may be at a turning point in my career. My back problems have been really hard to deal with and I think that the most frustrating part of that is that I know I may never have the chance to be women’s champion because of that. I am working everyday at getting better, so that I can return to the ring to show just how far I can go…..I guess you just never know!


02-11-2008, 08:53 PM
Thanks for this.