View Full Version : Police get a grip on serial masturbator

02-18-2008, 10:05 PM
Police near the southern Swedish town of Sävsjö answered to a rather unusual call on Wednesday night.
A woman had notified police after she discovered a man masturbating in a stairwell.

Police arrived on the scene to apprehend the naked man, placing him in their patrol car.

But the man continued with his manual labour from the cruiser’s back seat, TV4 reports.

During the roughly 40 minute drive back to the station in the neighboring town of Nässjö, the man continued to feel his way around, prompting police to check their records for other cases of incessant self-gratification.

Police soon discovered that the man was known to authorities in the region for holding his own in different churches and other public places.

The Local

02-18-2008, 10:45 PM
:sick: Wow...that's awkward...

Black Widow
02-18-2008, 11:32 PM
ok, before anyone says anything.. im sorry, i appologise to the woman who caught me.. and yes i would do that again.. as long as i get to clean up next time.. :shifty:

02-18-2008, 11:44 PM
I was going to ask if youve been in Sweeden recently...lol,I love the way that even when they have the guy in the back of the car and under arrest....He's still at it...