View Full Version : John Cena Blasts Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

02-26-2008, 10:15 PM
Former WWE champion John Cena recently lashed out at Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in a recent interview with The Sun in the United Kingdom. Cena was quoted as saying the following:

"He is a genuinely nice guy and a fantastic human being. What I kind of get peeved about, and this is my Achilles heel, is that I've wanted to do this my whole life. Rock falls into that category. At one point he loved wrestling and wanted to do this all his life. So explain to me why he can't come back. Simply put it's because he wants to be an actor and there's nothing wrong with that. He's very good and very successful. Associating with sports entertainment doesn't do much for his acting career. I get it. Just don't f*** me around and tell me that you love this. That's the only thing that gets me really p***ed off. Our fan base have so much admiration for him, he's got to respect that. He doesn't give anything back."

You can listen to the interview at this link ( http://del.interoute.com/?id=950d6949-47cd-4728-9ce6-1bb767085d66&delivery=download)

Source: Wrestlezone


Black Widow
02-26-2008, 10:39 PM
i actually agree with cena

Big Evil
02-26-2008, 10:49 PM
Yeah, agreed. Don't go around saying you love this business and would love to come back etc, when you don't want anything to do with this business anymore. Rocky left, and thats that. He doesn't need to keep saying stuff like that because he chose to leave it. If he really loved this business as much as he says he does, he never would have left in the first place.

02-26-2008, 10:55 PM
Good to see a high profile figure in the company come out and say that at this time. I wonder if Rock will get booed at the HOF.

~Burning Hitman~
02-26-2008, 11:16 PM
Finally....... A superstar finally says it! If he really loved it he would have came back a long long time ago.

Bad Boy
02-27-2008, 05:53 AM
Rock wudnt get boo'ed at the HOF... although, he walked out... he is one of the wrestlers, that the fan's cheer their heart out for...

02-27-2008, 12:27 PM
I wonder if they will do a storyline for it.

02-27-2008, 08:30 PM
Wow, i guess i'm the only one who this Cena is out of line! The Rock has done more for keeping the wwe on top than cena ever will. The Rock loves the business because it made him! (duh)... People have such a short memory if the boo him at the HOF, because i can bet MOST of you were fans of his at one time or another. Not to many people can cut a promo like the rock... cena cant touch him in that regard.

Anyway, who's to say this whole thing isn't a angle of some sort? If it is i hope the rock KILLS cena... if its not, cena needs to shut his dang mouth and respect the rock for who he is and was. I think he got into movies because he was asked, and decided the schedual was better, the money was better, and the physical risk was lower. Thinking of the long haul for his family.

BUT what do i know i'm just a girl,


Vick Diesel
02-27-2008, 09:08 PM
In my honest opinion...The Rock hasn't done anything for the WWE or the fans of WWE since he left...all he cares about is his acting career...he doesn't give a rats ass about the WWE or the fans or how anyone feels...I'm soo thrilled that John Cena came out and said how pretty much we all FEEL...it's about time that a HUGE WWE Superstar like John Cena vocalized the TRUTH the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING but the trust about The Rock!!

Personally if The ROCK were to come back to the WWE...he'd only be doin it for SHOW....for himself...no-one else!!

Ill Will
02-28-2008, 09:37 AM
Pro Wrestling is Serious Business.

Seriously, Cena needs to grow the fuck up. He literally sounds like someone you'd see on an internet forum making a rant about a moderator abusing his power or some shit like that. Not only is Cena's little rant fueled by what I perceive as envy, it's also fueled by inaccuracies. I think it's pretty clear that The Rock has in fact not wanted to be a pro wrestler all his life.

Dwayne Johnson (it's kind of getting dumb to call him 'The Rock', a character he hasn't played in years) was a very good college football player who was headed for the NFL until he got injured. He then went to his back-up plan: Pro Wrestling. He performed in a WWE ring for a few years, and then pursued acting. Once he realized he could make a lot more money acting than wrestling, and was given the opportunity to do so, he left the wrestling world in his dust, and really hasn't looked back (and he has no reason or obligation to).

This is hardly the story of someone who has wanted to be a pro wrestler their whole life. I think Cena's just jealous because he was probably wanting to do the same thing, but of course, The Marine was a huge flop.

02-28-2008, 03:03 PM
dont get me wrong i used to like the rock but havent all his movies flopped as well non of them have been very good imo

02-28-2008, 04:27 PM
Bottom line is this: If Dwayne Johnson wanted to come back he would have a couple years ago. He is DONE with the business. People move on from wrestling, its not the first time its happened. Could Stone Cold wrestle right now if he wanted to? Yeah, he has said it himself a few times. But he doesnt want to anymore. People burn out. Ten years from now Cena will be doing the same thing.

Bad Boy
02-28-2008, 06:27 PM
Thing is, this all is just for publicity, just to show that Cena can rant on big names like Rock... but the fact is Rock is 20 times better than Cena is... Rock has a much bigger fan base than Cena, even after Rock turned his back on wrestling... Rock is the past of wrestling...

well atleast Rock's movie's are watchable... after watching Marine, im just hoping 12 Rounds isnt tat bad...

02-29-2008, 12:26 AM
So Cena can go off and make movies and it's perfectly okay?

Ill Will
02-29-2008, 01:33 AM
dont get me wrong i used to like the rock but havent all his movies flopped as well non of them have been very good imo
No, Dwayne's movies haven't all flopped. They've all been moderately successful at the box office, and also as DVD sales go. A movie that has flopped is not just a move you didn't like.

Bottom line is this: If Dwayne Johnson wanted to come back he would have a couple years ago. He is DONE with the business. People move on from wrestling, its not the first time its happened. Could Stone Cold wrestle right now if he wanted to? Yeah, he has said it himself a few times. But he doesnt want to anymore. People burn out. Ten years from now Cena will be doing the same thing....I thought it was common knowledge that Austin has horrible knees, neck, back, etc, and those were the reasons he's not a wrestler anymore. He's been in a few movies, but he didn't leave pro wrestling because he didn't want to do it anymore, he did so because he was physically unable to do it.

02-29-2008, 02:59 AM
i understand Austin has had health problems, but in a recent interview he said physically he is fine. And that he doesnt miss wrestling in the ring. That is what I was getting at. :)

Ill Will
02-29-2008, 07:34 PM
i understand Austin has had health problems, but in a recent interview he said physically he is fine. And that he doesnt miss wrestling in the ring. That is what I was getting at. :)
He's fine as far as normal, everyday movement goes. He cannot physically do what he did 8-10 years ago when he was in his pro wrestling prime. His body is fine for just a normal life, it's not fine for a wrestling profession. They are plenty of interviews in which Austin has been quoted as saying that he misses performing in the ring and in front of live crowds. Regardless of what he claims his opinion of wrestling is now, the fact is that he completely tore up his body and simply does not have the capacity to be a pro wrestler anymore.