View Full Version : JR: Undertaker, The Rock, Jeff Hardy, Sharkboy, More

Black Widow
02-27-2008, 04:05 PM
Jim Ross has posted a massive Q&A feature on his website, answering over 150 questions sent in by readers and covering a plethora of topics. Here's a brief sampling of some of the wrestling related questions (which most of them are), but for the full section, get yourself a beverage (or two) and click here. (www.jrsbarbq.com)

On why Bobby Lashley left WWE: Lashley wanted out and no one can be forced to stay if they don’t want to be there. This is a better question for Bobby to answer.

On whether the Magnificent Muraco would have been a star today: Hell, yeah! The Magnificent One was big time and is another talent that would be printing cash if he were in his prime today. Muraco was another product of the territory system BTW.

On whether doesn't answer questions about Triple H's political power backstage because he is protecting his job: I don’t recall answering any Internet based, backstage gossip/political questions on this site. That’s not the goal. You obviously have already formulated your opinion on this subject and are simply looking for attention and to create "controversy". HHH has never been any thing but professional with me since day one. That’s being honest but I will assure you that someone will say, as you so inaccurately implied, that I am only saying that to "protect my job". I assure you that when I am out of the WWE it will have zilch to do with HHH. Plus, I happen to think my work is what keeps me on the payroll.

Regarding Undertaker not appearing on the Eddie Guerrero and Owen Hart tributes, and whether it was due to his TV persona: Much more TV persona than anything. Taker loved both men and had huge respect for them. Please don’t over analyze this matter and make more of it than it simply is.

Memories of the UWF: Working 7 days a week, getting yelled at by Bill Watts, learning the business from the inside out, working on my announcing skills, learning to book matches, working with wrestlers on contracts and money issues, promote live events, syndicate TV shows, write advertising copy, and loving every minute of it.

On whether Jeff Hardy has been hurt by John Cena's return: I totally disagree that Jeff Hardy is creatively dead in the water because John Cena is back. I think the fans have spoken and if they speak loud enough and long enough they can’t be ignored.

Why WWE has one-fall "Triple Threat" matches, instead of the ECW "Three Way Dance" elimination format: One could assume that the sudden death, one fall format is perceived to be more exciting than the multiple eliminations in the three ways. That’s one theory. I happened to like the old ECW formula, if it matters.

What the best wrestling city is: The best wrestling cities are where there is a behind every 18 inches, which means every seat is full. I’m biased toward Oklahoma City because it’s 20 or so minutes from my home.

On why Ricky Steamboat is not in the Hall Of Fame yet: Timing and perhaps sizzle. Ricky will be a HOFer in my opinion but I would not wager when. "The Dragon" was a great star and can still most likely out perform many of the young pups who get ample TV time.

jrsbarbq.com (www.jrsbarbq.com)

02-27-2008, 10:52 PM
Thanks for this.