View Full Version : Jake Roberts & Scott Hall To Attend WWE Hall Of Fame?

Black Widow
02-29-2008, 04:28 PM
Credit: ProWrestling.net

Jake Roberts is scheduled to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame next month. Apparently he will be given a temporary release from his rehab treatment to attend the award show.

There are also rumblings that Scott Hall, who is in the same treatment facility as Roberts, might attend the H.O.F. ceremony with Roberts.

Roberts is one of the only wrestlers who openly and publicly accepted WWE's rehab offer, and even sent out a thank you letter to Vince. We don't have an update on Roberts' condition, but Scott Hall is said to be doing exceptionally well and looks forward to mending broken business relationships when he completes his treatment.

02-29-2008, 05:54 PM
jake roberts was such a creative guy for the wwf back in the 'rock n' wrestling' days. with his head right, that dude could have gone down as one of the alltime greats.
the same can be said for scott hall. such a creative mind, such a great in-ring look and could really 'go' for such a big guy.
i'd like to see them both back in the wwe in a creative capacity. i think both would bring a lot to the table in constructing and shaping storylines.

03-02-2008, 02:32 AM
I'm glad Scott and Jake are doing really well.

Y0UR Messiah
03-02-2008, 06:05 PM
I wonder if Jake has lost any weight since the last time we saw him on TV. As far as Hall goes, the guy can still wrestle. If he's about to fix some of his problems and complete his treatment, then it's possible we might see him in the ring some time, which would be awesome as I've always been a Hall mark....wait...Hall mark...LOL!

03-02-2008, 08:39 PM
I wish Hall and Jake the best. Both were great wrestlers/entertainers.

Like mentioned above me, I wish Hall could make a return. Wouldn't that just be great?