View Full Version : Details About Ashley

03-04-2008, 07:00 AM
In regards to recent rumors and reports that WWE has told her to stay at home, Ashley Massaro cleared the air on her MySpace Blog with the following entry:


I keep getting these questions from yall about being sent home??? People come up with the dumbest sh-- ha Sent home from where exactly hehe cuz Im in LA right now. I didnt go to tv, this week or the passed few, somethings up with my hand. I have to fix it. :-( They wont let me wrestle with the way it is so as soon as its all fixed Im comin back yall! Dont worry about a ting.....cuz every little ting is gunna be ireee...
k nuff singin
Im headed back to TX this weekend and seeing the orth surgeon again, hopefully hell have some good news this time .
love u guys talk soon...

Ashley was originally scheduled to play a major part in the Maria/Santino angle, but the returning Candice Michelle has taken her spot will the former Survivor competitor is on the injured list.

Bad Boy
03-04-2008, 11:29 AM
wow, Ashley's English sux... BAD!!

Embrace The Experience
03-04-2008, 01:21 PM
wow, Ashley's English sux... BAD!!

exactly what i was going to say, i know its "hip" or "cool" to butcher the english language these days but damn theres got to be a limit

03-04-2008, 05:19 PM
LOL, Ashley:eek: I hope she comes back soon.

03-04-2008, 08:45 PM
She used to be pretty good on her blogs. This one is just terrible. Ashley doesn't deserve the attention she gets in the WWE. It seems like all women's wrestling is about is entering Playboy..