View Full Version : WWE Raw Full Results - 3/3/2008

Black Widow
03-04-2008, 11:15 AM
We are less than four weeks away from Wrestlemania XXIV in Orlando and we have a handful of matches already announced. There are still a few spots available in the Money in the Bank Match and we should know a few more participants. Big Show challenges a boxer tonight to get ready for his match with Floyd Mayweather. What will happen when Ric Flair and his opponent at Wrestlemania work as a tag team tonight? What will Maria's Playboy cover look like (assuming you are one of the four people who have not already seen it online)? How will Santino Marella react? Will we find out any of the other inductees into the Hall Of Fame the night before Wrestlemania? What will happen when Bradshaw confronts Fit Finlay about his apparent fraud as it relates to Hornswoggle? Who will be able to say that Hornswoggle is THEIR THUN?
Triple H is in the McOffice with Randy Orton and John Cena. William Regal and his Flock of Hairdo says that he has a way to spice up the main event. It will be the Triple Threat Takeover. One of them will be able to run things. Tonight, it will be John Cena who gets to pick the main event. Orton says that this is ridiculous. Orton says that whoever is in charge gets to give the other two men the night off. Orton gives his word. Hunter sarcastically says that he trusts Orton, but then he says that he does not trust either of them. Cena says that after taking a Pedigree two weeks ago and an RKO last week, he can put together something ‘Extremely’ Satisfying.

We are live from Indianapolis, Indiana and your announcers are Jim 'Brickyard BBQ' Ross and Jerry 'Can I Take Home the Giant Playboy Cover' Lawler.

We see Floyd Mayweather in his magical sweatshirt watching from Las Vegas as Big Show comes to the ring.

Match Number One: Big Show versus Brandon Hill in a Mixed Martial Arts Exhibition

Show and Hill stand face to chest as the referee tries to explain the rules to the fighters. The bell rings and Hill clutches the ropes as he sees Show approach him. Hill continues to go into the ropes and Show gets a tad angry at Hill. Hill with punches to Show and they have no effect on Show. Show picks up Hill and tosses him into the corner. Show then connects with a boot. Show with a choke slam and Hill is down. Show uses his boot to cover Hill for the three count.
Winner: Big Show

After the match, Show gets on the mic and he tells Floyd that things are not going to go down the way he thinks. Show says that he is going to break his back and ruin him. Show tells Mayweather to save his twenty million dollars. Mayweather says that he is going to break Show’s jaw. Show tells Mayweather that his mouth is writing checks that his ass cannot cash. Show and Mayweather talk over each other. While Mayweather tells someone to get the jet ready, Show presses Hill over his head and tosses him to the floor.

We are reminded of the Career Threatening Match between Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania, but they will be in a tag team match together. They style and profile into commercial.

Match Number Two: Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair versus Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

Murdoch and Flair start things off and Flair lets out a wooooo. They lock up and Murdoch pushes Flair away, but Flair with a wooooo. Flair with a side head lock and Murdoch with a shoulder tackle. Flair with a hip toss and chops. Flair ads a punch to his chops. Murdoch with an Irish whip and back body drop but Murdoch misses an elbow drop and Michaels is tagged in. Michaels with chops to Murdoch but Murdoch with a back elbow. Cade tags in and Michaels with a reverse atomic drop. Murdoch with a kick to Michaels back and Cade hits a belly-to-back suplex on Michaels. Cade with a reverse atomic drop and then he holds Michaels for a running boot from Murdoch for a two count. Cade tags back in and he works on Michaels’s neck. Michaels with an enzuigiri but Murdoch goes up top but he meets a boot from Michaels. Both men are down until Michaels makes the tag. Flair with chops to Cade followed by a back elbow to Cade. Flair chops Murdoch and sends him out of the ring. Cade with a sleeper to Cade but Flair with an atomic drop to the knee and Flair puts Cade in the Figure Four Leg Lock while Michaels puts Murdoch in one as well. Cade taps out.
Winners: Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair

After the match, Michaels gets on the mic and he says that he has something to get off his chest. He appreciates everything that Flair said last week, but he says that he cannot wrestle Flair at Wrestlemania. Michaels knows that Flair is going to say that he is feeling better than ever. Michaels says that he does not want to go down as the guy who ended the career of Ric Flair. Michaels knows that Flair does not think he will lose. Michaels says that he loves Flair and Flair needs to know that this is Wrestlemania and he reminds Flair that he is the Showstopper. Michaels tells Flair that if he keeps pushing for the match, it will be Flair’s show that will be stopped.

Michaels leaves the ring and says that he won’t do it.

William Regal is on the phone and he says that John Cena is in charge tonight. Cena enters and he says that he has a decision. Cena says why should he put Randy Orton and Triple H go through hell and back. Cena says that Randy Orton will face Triple H. Regal asks Cena if he is going to give himself the night off. Cena says that he has business to do with Ken Kennedy. Cena tells Regal to leave his office. Regal thinks that Cena is joking, but he is serious. We go to commercial.

We are back and the Highlight Reel will be coming up with Jeff Hardy as Chris Jericho’s guest.

Raw General Manager William Regal and his magic hair join Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at the announce table since he has nothing better to do other than say ‘YouManga’

Match Number Three: Umaga versus Super Crazy

Umaga with a chop followed by an uranage. Umaga picks up Super Crazy and puts him in a bear hug before sending him into the turnbuckles. Umaga with the Samoan Spike for the three count.
Winner: Umaga

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Highlight Reel since Chris Jericho is in the ring and his music is playing. Chris welcomes everyone to the Highlight Reel and he sets off some pyro. He talks about how this segment spawned a bunch of pretenders. Jericho says that he wants to talk about the Money in the Bank Match. He talks about how the winner will get a shot at a title any time in the next year. Jericho says that his guest was the first into the match and one of the favorites, Jeff Hardy.

Jericho welcomes Jeff to the show. Jericho reminds Hardy and everyone else that he qualified last week when he beat Hardy. We go to the Jeritron 6000 . . . in HD. We see highlights from last week when Jericho pinned Hardy to make it into the Money in the Bank Match. Jericho brings up Hardy’s propensity for ladder matches. He says that Jeff can do anything he wants because there is nothing that anyone can do to stop Chris Jericho from winning at Wrestlemania.

Jeff says that things are different and in the past he might have been afraid of Jericho. He says that he will get the briefcase at Wrestlemania and will become the champion. Jericho reminds Hardy that he was a champion and the first Undisputed Champion. Jericho tells Hardy that they are no longer friends, but he is now a target. Jericho tells Jeff that anything goes. Hardy agrees and then he hits a Twist of Fate on Jericho.

Ken Kennedy walks in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Triple H and John Cena standing face to face only to see Cena get a Mic Check from Ken Kennedy.

Match Number Four: Ken Kennedy versus John Cena

Kennedy with a kick to the leg and then he puts Cena in a side head lock. Kennedy with a shoulder tackle but Cena with a back body drop and arm drag into an arm bar. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cena with a bulldog to Kennedy and he gets a two count. Kennedy with a punch to Cena and then Kennedy goes outside to the floor. Cena chases after Kennedy and Kennedy drops Cena on the top rope. Kennedy with a DDT onto the apron. Kennedy runs Cena’s back into the apron. Kennedy rolls Cena back in and gets a near fall. Kennedy with a neckbreaker to Cena for another near fall. Kennedy with boots to Cena in the corner. Kennedy with a running boot into the corner but Kennedy only gets a two count. Kennedy with a cravate to Cena. Kennedy with a short arm clothesline. Kennedy tries for another boot but Cena with a double sledge. Cena with clotheslines and a knee followed by a blockbuster. Cena goes up top and hits a leg drop and puts Kennedy in the STFU and Kennedy taps.
Winner: John Cena

The Playboy ladies, Candice Michelle and Maria are walking in the back as Jerry Lawler gets so happy that he will finally see the Playboy cover that a few million people have already seen when we get back from commercial.

We are back and Jerry Lawler is in the ring with a giant cover of Playboy hidden by red velvet. Jerry brings Maria to the ring and she is with Candice Michelle. Maria gets on the mic and she says that this is such an honor. She says that she cannot believe that she is going to be on the cover of Playboy. Lawler congratulates Maria and it is now time for the sneak peek that is about five or six days too late. This cover has Santino’s face over Maria’s and over Maria’s talents.

Santino Marella’s music plays and he comes out. Santino reminds Maria that she should not have done Playboy. Santino says that now when people think of Maria they will get an erectile malfunction. Santino wants Maria to leave but Maria reminds Santino that this is her decision. Maria reminds Santino that she already posed for Playboy and she wants the whole world to see her. Santino asks Maria if it is her ‘timing of the month’ and points out that she is making a scene. Lawler punches Santino and then Maria and Candice throw the fake cover onto the floor. Candice points out that what we saw was not the only cover planned for tonight. It is time to see the real cover without Santino’s obstructions. We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for a video package about Carl Edwards winning the NASCAR race yesterday, including his comments after the race where he mentioned John Cena.

Match Number Five: Carlito versus Cody MAH THUN Rhodes in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Rhodes with a rollup for a quick near fall. Rhodes with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Carlito with an inside cradle for a near fall, but Rhodes with one as well. Cody skins the cat but Carlito with a drop kick to the back of the head. Carlito with punches and kicks in the corner. Carlito with a chop in the corner. Rhodes with punches to Carlito but Carlito with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Carlito with a rear chin lock. Carlito misses the lungblower and Rhodes gets a near fall. Rhodes with punches to Carlito and then he hits a cross body for a two count. Rhodes tries for a sunset flip but Carlito drops down but the referee sees Carlito’s hand on the ropes. Rhodes with a bulldog for a two count. Rhodes with an elbow and he tries for a victory roll, but Carlito counters with a lungblower for the three count.
Winner: Carlito

Floyd Mayweather is still sitting in place with his magical sweatshirt and we go to commercial.

We are back and the weigh in is next week for Show and Mayweather.

We have an Earlier Tonight Moment of Big Show destroying Brandon Hill.

Floyd Mayweather is at his home in Las Vegas and Jim Ross asks Mayweather if he is making a mistake by facing Big Show. Floyd says that he is going to dominate this new field. Floyd says that he is the best at what he does. Floyd says that he is not intimidated by Big Show after his performance tonight. Floyd says that he is going to break Show’s jaw. Lawler asks if it is worth twenty million dollars and Floyd tells them not to talk to the real king like that.

Mike Adamle is in the crowd to mention the newest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame. Joining Ric Flair, Rocky Johnson, and Peter Maivia will be Mae Young.

Fit Finlay is walking in the back as he gets ready to answer Bradshaw. We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Bradshaw destroying Vince’s son . . . at the time, Hornswoggle in the steel cage two weeks ago.

Fit Finlay comes to the ring and he has his shillelagh and he waits for Bradshaw to come out but Vince comes out first. He says that he has a few questions for Finlay before Bradshaw comes out. Vince asks Finlay if it is true that he conspired with members of Vince’s family against him. Finlay says that it is true. Vince asks if Hornswoggle is really not his son. Finlay says that Hornswoggle is too good to be Vince’s son. Vince asks Finlay if he is Hornswoggle’s father; and Finlay says that it is true. Vince says that Bradshaw could not be in Indianapolis tonight.

Vince says that Bradshaw is available by satellite. Bradshaw sends his regrets that he is not there in Indianapolis, but he said that he would rather be with Finlay’s son. Finlay tells Bradshaw that if he touches Hornswoggle, he will stick the shillelagh down his throat. Bradshaw points out that he takes advantage of the innocent. Bradshaw says that he will fight Finlay on his terms, and at Wrestlemania. Bradshaw helps Hornswoggle up so he can say hello to his daddy. Bradshaw slaps Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle cowers in fear as Bradshaw says that nobody wants to see what he is about to do. The lights go out and there is crying and stuff breaking. We go to commercial.

We are back and John Cena has joined Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at ringside.

Match Number Six: Randy Orton versus Triple Haitch

They lock up and Orton with a clean break as the referee admonishes both men. Hunter with a break but it is not clean as he punches Orton. Orton misses a punch and Hunter with a kick and side head lock take down. Orton with a head scissors but Hunter gets out of the hold and applies another side head lock. Hunter punches Orton and it is time for another side head lock. Hunter with a shoulder tackle. Hunter blocks a hip toss and he connects with a clothesline for a near fall. Orton tries for a drop kick but Hunter anticipates it and he holds on to the ropes. Hunter gets a near fall. Orton sends Hunter out of the ring as we get a spoiler for Cena’s Christmas party and how Randy Orton will not be there. Orton punches Hunter and then he tries to slam Hunter’s head into the ring steps, but Hunter slams Orton’s head into the steps.

They return to the ring and Orton hits a back breaker. Orton gets a near fall. Orton prepares for the Garvin Stomp on Hunter. Orton gets a two count after a knee drop. Orton with another knee for another near fall. Hunter and Orton exchange punches. Hunter with the face buster and then it is time for the high knee. Orton goes out of the ring and it is time for Hunter to go outside and punch Orton. Hunter with a spinebuster as they return to the ring. Orton goes outside the ring again and he grabs the title belt and he wants to go to the back.

John Cena gets up from the announce table and he tells Orton that he is not going to the back. Hunter attacks Orton from behind and Orton knocks Cena down. Hunter rolls Orton back into the ring and Orton tries to use the belt but Hunter blocks it. Hunter tries for the Pedigree but Cena interferes and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: No Contest

After the match, Cena gives Hunter an FU but Orton hits an RKO on Cena. Orton stands over Hunter and Cena as we go to credits.