View Full Version : WWE RAW House Show Results (03/09/08) - Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Black Widow
03-10-2008, 03:49 PM
WWE Raw House Show Results - 3/09/08
Green Bay, Wisconsin

I attended the RAW Live event in Green Bay yesterday - Here's the round up.

Super Crazy def. Charlie Haas: Charlie did the mask/costume change under the ring thing

Brian Kendrick def. DH Smith: At on spot in the match someone yelled "That's what steroids will do!" DH smiled and flexed.

Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes def. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch: OK match

Santino came out, ripped on Wisconsin, the Packers and Favre. Mr. Kennedy came out and did some good mic work. Looked for the mic from above, Tony Chimmel gave him a mic from behind, pretending to drop it from above. Kinda funny.
Mr. Kennedy def. Santino

Beth Phoenix def. Mickie James: Mickie had most of the offense

DX came out first then Umaga/Snitsky: DX did rock paper scissors to see who would start, Michaels started. Triple H got on the mic and did a brush your teeth thing to Snitsky, giving him gum from the audience. Snitsky later got pantsed by Michaels, and there was a funny bit with hand sanitizer from the audience. Michaels hit Sweet Chin Music on both Umaga and Snitsky, Triple H hit the Pedigree on Snitsky for the win.

Randy Orton def. Chris Jericho in a street fight. Fans got to vote between, 2 out of three falls, falls count anywhere and a street fight by texting. Garbage can, chair, extension cord, cookie sheet, table and kendo stick were all used. Orton hit the RKO after reversing Jericho into the table for the win. Orton looked to do more damage but Jericho ended up reversing. I couldn't see what happened some annoying girl with a stupid sign put it up just as it happened. After the match Jericho got on the mic and thanked everyone for coming.
