View Full Version : Mr. Kennedy Turning Face? - Details From House Show

Black Widow
03-10-2008, 10:52 PM
Mr. Kennedy played a babyface role at the WWE live event in Madison, Wisconsin last night. Regal came out playing the heel and insulting Wisconsin fans, which brought out Mr. Kennedy, who reminded the crowd that he hailed from Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Kennedy won over the fans by telling off Regal, and went on to defeat Santino (who trashed the Green Bay Packers) with the Mic Check.

There are a few rumors going around that WWE used that show to see how fans would react to Kennedy as a face, but the most likely scenario is that they just had him play the face since he was in his hometown.


03-10-2008, 11:05 PM
i would love him as a face,but he is awesome as a heel so the should just test ti for a couple of months and see how the crowd likes it

Black Widow
03-10-2008, 11:13 PM
when kennedy was on SD when he had a little face run, i thought he did a good job..

at a house show he did in dublin he tried so hard being heel but we just cheered him event more

03-11-2008, 12:43 AM
I want him to stay heel... I never saw him face but he's great how he is as a heel...

Ill Will
03-11-2008, 05:54 PM
Internet reporters are fucking retarded. Pretty much every wrestler, heel or face, get cheered heavily when they are in or near their home town. For instance, throughout all of my years watching Ric Flair, even when he was a heel, he got cheered like the Beatles any time he was anywhere near North Carolina. It's just hometown fans showing their loyalty. It's not a freaking face turn.

03-11-2008, 09:06 PM
but what doesnt make sense is last night he was saying how he was never a packers fan and is making fun of favre retiring saying how he will never be a champion again and stuff

03-11-2008, 09:13 PM
deadmanwalking he said that stuff because he is heel. all WWE was doing was playing him off as face because of where they were.

Now, if Kennedy actually did make a face turn that would be interesting. He has been a heel the majority of the time since coming into the WWE. I say they give a shot sometime down the road.