View Full Version : Report & Rumor On What Jeff Hardy's Issue Is, Lita Comments

03-13-2008, 10:44 PM
Lita was interviewed on radio station Y101 (Richmond, VA) this morning. The hosts kept asking her about her personal life but she was having none of it. When they asked her if she was still dating Edge, she said that even if she was, she wouldn't tell us because she learned her lesson last time. She sounded very uncomfortable and did not want to talk about wrestling at all. When asked about Jeff Hardy's suspension, Lita said that she hadn't heard about it yet but "it sucks". She refused to answer whether Jeff uses drugs. Afterwards, the hosts ragged on her and said she was a bad interview guest.

From what I understand, Jeff Hardy is now in rehab. The word we are getting is that Hardy was denying he had a problem and was rejecting the idea of going to rehab. Apparently Hardy has been having a drinking problem. This is just what I (Ryan Clark) have heard and I'll keep you posted as I get more. I was hesitant to post this so take it for what it's worth.

Source: Wrestlezone

Ill Will
03-13-2008, 11:55 PM
I'm thinking that all news relating to Jeff Hardy's suspension should just be kept in the sticky based on the responses it will get...

But anyway, Hardy obviously wasn't suspended for drinking. Alcohol is not a "banned substance". While he may or may not be in rehab for a drinking problem, I think it is apparent that there is another drug he's involved in and another part to this story.

Shame on that radio host for harassing Amy (she's not "Lita" anymore, remember?). There really shouldn't have been any discussion about pro wrestling on the show.