View Full Version : WM 24 Battle Royal, Heat On CM Punk?

Black Widow
03-14-2008, 02:33 PM
- Expect the 24-Man Battle Royal at WrestleMania that will feature talent from all three brands to include anybody who is a regular on television who does not already have a WrestleMania match. The match, which will determine the number one contender for the ECW Championship, will likely be kept very short.

- There are still reports circulating around the Internet that there is backstage heat on CM Punk, however, they are not true. One source told me, “Think about it, if there were heat on CM Punk why would the company put him on Raw against Edge and in the Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania?” Apparently the reports stem from people that do not like CM Punk as there are some of the boys that do not like the way that he comes across. Some people backstage see Punk as a “know-it-all” thus there are reports leaked that he is not liked.


the madscotsman
03-14-2008, 03:03 PM
Maybe he comes across as a konow it all because when it comes to pro wrestling, he probably knows more than half the idiots on the roster.

03-14-2008, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the read, IMO probably Big Daddy V/ a giant/ Burke/ Kofi could win the Battle Royal, I can't see them drafting anyone to ECW at the moment...

03-15-2008, 03:37 AM
Punk knows he's good... what's the problem?

03-15-2008, 05:52 PM
punks the best talent they have right now

03-15-2008, 07:01 PM
it probably has something to do with the whole Straight Edge thing. I've know a few and they always have a somewhat smug attitude .

Ill Will
03-16-2008, 05:35 AM
I stopped paying attention to stupid internet rumors like this a long time ago. You never really know where any of these opinions come from.

"It's been said that Wrestler X has a lot of backstage heat on him"

...been said by who? Seriously, unless there is a clear statement that has someone's name behind it, or an otherwise well-documented backstage quarrel, I really don't pay attention to shit like this anymore.