View Full Version : WWE Raw House Show Results (03/15/08) - Tyler, Texas

Black Widow
03-16-2008, 10:53 PM
Thanks to readers Parker & Kristy Griffith for sending in the following report:

WWE Raw House Show Results - 3/15/08
Tyler, Texas

Building pretty full, capacity is between 8-10 thousand. About 90-95% full. William Regal comes out cuts a heel promo, disses Tyler. Pretends to forget name of town, sarcastically compares MSG to Oil Palace. Regal announces we get to choose stipulation. for Finly/JBL match by texting. Choices are street fight, falls count any where, 2 out of 3 falls match. Tony Chimel announcing.

Tag Team Championship:Rhodes/Holly def. Cade/Murdoch okay match. Murdoch was wearing like a full length shiny, trench coat, very odd. Match ran about five minutes, Holly goes over with Alabama Slam on Cade. Champs win. Cody was way over with the crowd.

Burchill w/Katie Lea def Brian Kendrick. Burchil and Lea cut the usual "what Katie wants Katie gets" promo. Burchill goes over with whatever he calls his finisher. Crowd was pretty dead. Lame match.

Super Crazy def. Charlie Hass. Sign Guy was in attendance, probably signed more autographs than the superstars. Had great sign calling Haas a "Haas Hole." Super was way over with large Latino crowd. Midway through match Hass completely changes unitard and adds mask under ring. Wiped nose with Super's Mexican flag pancho, drew major heat. Super unmasked Haas, threw mask in air, Haas catches it and Super rolls up for the win.

Santino/Carlito def. Val/DH. Smith. Val way over. Decent match, crowd pretty into it. Carlito hits backstabber on Val, Santino covers for win. D.H. helps Val after the match, gets decent applause.


Women's Championship: Beth def. Mickie. Some may disagree with this, but as far as wrestling goes it was the best match of the night. My wife even agrees and she usually makes us fast forward through Diva's matches. Typical back and forth, Mickie hits a few high spots, Mickie was way over. Beth then dominates and hits finisher for win. Continues beat down after match, Candice makes save. Candice and Mickie pose.

Tony reminds us to Smackdown! our vote in November, segueing into telling us the text results for the Finlay/JBL match. Street Fight wins with 70 %. JBL cuts great heel promo, just to make sure he did not get any local boy pop (he is from East Texas). Major heat, tells us why he left East Texas and if we wanted to know we could just look at the toothless, redneck next to us. Talks about beating Horny. I don't like the guy, but he can cut a good promo. Finlay comes out.

Street Fight: Finlay def. JBL. Brawl almost immediately spills into the crowd, great reaction. Side note: some kid almost got run over by them and the crowd that followed. He was OK, but way away from his seat. Match goes back into ring, trash cans, a ken do stick, and chairs ensue. Finlay gets win with shillelagh shot. Finlay was pretty over as a face, but JBL way over as a heel.

Main Event: DX def. Randy/Snitsky. Match takes forever to get started. DX does promo, calls out venue on not turning on AC. Trips says for millions watching at home, Shawn reminds its not televised, gets laughs. It was 86 outside and about 90 inside. Some guy got tossed, that did not help. Snitsky refuses to wrestle because of "Brush Your Teeth Chants." Match finally starts, then Trips tells Snitsky crowd is right he needs gum or something. Guy gives Trips gum, crowd throws more gum. More people get tossed. Snitsky almost eats gum, then refuses. Match starts again. Trips starts out hot. Shawn and Trips pull down Randy and Snitsky's trunks, respectively. Major laughs and pops for Randy's butt. Trips gets on mic says Snitsky must be smuggling a gerbil and tells Shawn next time they do that bit they are switching men. Shawn tags in starts hot, gets worked over by both. Shawn makes hot tag to Trips who clears house. end comes when Shawn hits Sweet Chin Music on Randy, followed by SCM on Snitsky which turns into a Pedigree by Trips. Trips pins Snitsky. DX poses, Tony thanks us and that is it.

No Kennedy or Jericho. Also, apparently no one reads WWE.com or any website and literally half the people we met had no idea Jeff Hardy would not be there (originally scheduled was Hardy vs. Orton for title and JBL vs. HBK). One girl actually cried. Even though I heard a radio ad on Friday with the new card.

Biggest Heat:
1. JBL
2. Regal
3. Snitsky

Biggest Pops
1. DX
2. Candice (run-in)
3. Finlay/Cody/Super Crazy
Thanks to reader James Cook for sending in the following report:

WWE Raw House Show Results - 3/15/08
Tyler, Texas

*WWE World Tag Team Champions Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes b. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch*
(opening match took waaaay too long to start because Cade and Murdoch kept yelling at the fans and Holly won the match with the Alabama Slam)

*Paul Burchill b. Brian Kendrick*
(Katie Looked really good in her outfit tonight, telling us there no good looking gents in the crowd tonight. Back and forth evenly match with Burchill getting the duke and Katie staring down at Kendrick while he was a bit shaken up. The crowd calling Brian's name he rolled out with the ref helping him to the back.)

*Super Crazy b. Charlie Haas*
(sign guy had a sign that said "Charlie Hass is a Hass Hole", Hass griped at the beginning about the sign and the crowd was super hot for Crazy. Half way thru the match Hass exited the ring and got his mask on and it was mostly back and forth between the two, with Super Crazy with the win outta no where.)

*Santino Marella & Carlito b. DH Smith & Val Venis*
(Not much to report here, Santino and Carlito where trying to see who got the better response from the crowd and it seemed like a pro Carlito crowd. To end the match, Val seemed to got shaken up by the back-stabber that Carlito did and DH helped him out the ring.)

*WWE Women's Champion Beth Phoenix b. Mickie James*
(Glamazon did her flip off the top rope, looks amazing in person. It was mostly Mickie James from beginning to 2/3 of the match and the last two wins was all Beth with with the win, As the Glamazon started to leave, she decided to give Mickie a few more foot stomps and Candice Michelle came down to make the save, and Candice pointed to Mickie and raised her hand and they both exited together with Candice music playing)

*Finlay b. JBL(fans text voted the fight stips with 70% for street fight)*(usual JBL moaning about the being the best thing from east texts and telling us how good it was to slap hornswoggle around. Finley used just about every lids, trash can, chair, kendo stick against JBL. They even went out the ring to where the wwe shop zone was and eventually came back to the ring and where Finley finally got the win.)

*DeGeneration X b. WWE Champion Randy Orton & Snitsky *(Shawn came into the ring doing his running around HHH routine. HHH picked on the people who ran the Oil Palace about no A/C in the building in normal DX intro. this match never seemed to wanted to start, fans chanting "brush your teeth" like for 10 mins, the usual dx stuff, rock scissors, paper to who goes first, Shawn lost 2-0, Shawn didn't want to start kept pulling hhh back in, hhh got on
the mike and told Snitsky for the love of god, please brush your teeth. one fan ran up and gave hhh some gum where he threw into snisky and told orton you're going to have to tag him, might as well let him have some. snitsky eventually threw the gum down, told everyone he would leave if they didn't show up. even the ref was chewing gum. Even orton couldn't keep from laughing about people making fun of Snitsky. Later in the match, shawn and
hhh actually pulled down both orton and snitsky trunks and, let's just say you saw more than i wanted to . One superkicks by shawn to Orton and he went out the ring and then superkick to snitsky, who wobbled over to HHH for the pedigree 1-2-3

Overall the show was great, with a full house. It was too hot in this small convention hall/rodeo/auction place in Tyler, with horrible lighting, and what seemed like a very small ring with two towering light structures on opposite corners to light the ring. Sign Guy was in attendance and was signing just about anything people brought to him. He had some really good signs for each of the heels and was active just about all night long. Had two people visit from out of town, they told me they saw the same show in Waco with this show being longer overall. (about few mins short of 3 hours with an intermission)

1. DX (tie - when the trunks got pulled and for the win)
2. Finlay (1st when it was announced a street fight, 2nd when he beat JBL)
3. Cody and Holly (fans chanted cody 3 seperate times during the match)
4. Super Crazy (crowd just went nuts when he slid into the ring)*
5. Mickie James (looking hot as usually)

1. JBL (knocking east texas)
2. Snisky (telling the fans to shut up about his teeth)
3. Cade and Murdoch (talking trash to the fans by the ring)
4. Haas (wiping his face and nose on the mexican flag when he had his mask on)
5. Katie (for saying there was no good looking chaps in the crowd)
